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IBM Analytics Engine on Cloud Pak for Data as a Service

IBM Analytics Engine on Cloud Pak for Data as a Service


With IBM Analytics Engine, you can run Jupyter notebooks and jobs from tools in Watson Studio by selecting IBM Analytics Engine as your runtime environment. You are offered Hortonworks Data Platform on IBM Cloud. You get one VM per cluster compute node and your own local HDFS. You get Spark and the entire Hadoop ecosystem. You are given shell access and can also create notebooks.

This service adds a tool and compute resources in projects.

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Integrated services

Table 1. Related services. The following related services are often used with this service and provide complementary features, but they are not required.
Service Capability
Watson Studio Prepare, analyze, and model data in a collaborative environment with tools for data scientists, developers, and domain experts.
Generative AI search and answer
These answers are generated by a large language model in watsonx.ai based on content from the product documentation. Learn more