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Finding and viewing assets in catalogs

Finding and viewing assets in catalogs

You can find assets in catalogs on the Browse page. To access them, you must be a collaborator in the catalog.

You can find assets in these ways:

Watch the following video on how to quickly find assets in a catalog.

This video provides a visual method to learn the concepts and tasks in this documentation.

  • Video transcript
    Time Transcript
    00:00 This video shows you how to create a catalog and find assets quickly with Watson Knowledge Catalog.
    00:08 From the home page, you can access the catalogs.
    00:13 Now, create a new catalog and provide a name and a description.
    00:21 A catalog contains metadata about the contents of assets and how to access them, and a set of collaborators who need to use the assets for data analysis.
    00:32 The metadata is stored in an encrypted IBM Cloud Object Storage instance.
    00:37 Any data that you want to store in the cloud you can upload to the Cloud Object Storage of your choice and then specify that object storage when you create the catalog.
    00:48 This split between where the data's metadata is stored and the actual location of the data is important.
    00:54 It means that you can keep your data wherever it is.
    00:57 You don't need to move it into the catalog, because the catalog only contains metadata.
    01:03 You can have the data in on-premises data repositories, in other IBM Cloud services like Cloudant or Db2 on Cloud, in non-IBM cloud services like Amazon or Azure, in streaming data services, or even dark data sources like PDS.
    01:23 Included in the metadata, is how to access the data asset; in other words: the location and credentials.
    01:31 That means that anyone who is a member of the catalog and has sufficient permissions can get to the data without knowing the credentials or having to create their own connection to the data.
    01:45 If you don't have an Object Storage instance, you can create one right from here.
    01:51 When you create a catalog, you can enforce data policies.
    01:56 If you enable data policies now, you can't disable it later.
    02:02 Now, you're ready to create the catalog.
    02:07 Since the new catalog is empty, let's take a look at an existing catalog.
    02:12 On the "Browse assets" tab, you can see recommendations, highly rated assets, and recently created assets, as well as a list of all the assets.
    02:26 You can type a search term to find assets.
    02:29 And you can filter by asset type, such as "Data asset" or "Notebook", or filter by tags that were assigned to the asset when it was added to the catalog.
    02:42 When you view an asset, the "Overview" tab provides basic information about the asset, such as the description, a rating, tags, where the asset is located, business terms, and any classifications.
    03:00 The "Asset" tab provides a preview of the data.
    03:05 On the "Access" tab, those with permission can add members to view this particular asset.
    03:12 And the "Review" tab shows reviews and lets you contribute a review.
    03:19 When assets are added to a catalog with data policies enabled, Watson Knowledge Catalog automatically profiles and classifies the content of the asset based on the values in those columns.
    03:32 The "Profile" tab contains more detailed information about the inferred classifications.
    03:38 On the "Activities" tab, you'll see the various events that Watson Knowledge Catalog has captured that occurred in the life cycle of this data asset, allowing you to trace what's happened to the asset since it was created.
    03:54 Go back to the catalog and on the "Access control" tab, you can see the current list of catalog members.
    04:02 You can also add members, which is pretty similar to adding collaborators in a project.
    04:08 Most catalog members will likely have the "Editor" role.
    04:12 The "Viewer" role is intentionally restricted.
    04:15 And only a select few will have the "Admin" role.
    04:19 You can also add an access group that you previously defined in your IBM Cloud account and provide the group with the specified access to the catalog.
    04:30 This is an easy way to give many users "Viewer" access.
    04:35 And on the "Settings" tab, you can edit the catalog name and description, and see other important information about the Cloud Object Storage associated with this catalog.
    04:49 Find more videos in the Cloud Pak for Data as a Service documentation.

Browsing for assets

Before you search, you can browse through these types of assets:

  • Recently added assets
  • Recommended assets
  • Highly rated assets (3 stars or more)

Viewing assets

To view an asset in a catalog, click its name. A set of pages about the asset is available:

In the About this asset side panel, you can access basic information about an asset. Show or hide the panel by clicking the information icon.

Asset information include the following details:

  • Asset owner
  • Privacy
  • Format and size
  • Source
  • Tags
  • Date added

Information about asset activities is available in a side panel. To view the activities panel, click the roadmap icon Activities icon. The activities panel shows the history of the events that are performed on the asset.

Overview page

On the asset Overview page, you can access the governance artifacts that are assigned to the asset and relationships to other assets.

For data assets, the Columns section displays the following details for each column:

  • Quality score
  • Description
  • Assigned data classes
  • Assigned business terms

For structured file types, such as CVS files, that contain columns with the same name, only the first instance of each column is displayed in the Columns table on the asset Overview. Duplicate columns appear on the Profile and Preview pages.

If you have permission, you can edit asset properties and asset relationships on this page.

Asset page

On the Asset page, you can access a preview of the contents of the asset if the asset type supports previews and you have the required permissions.

The preview might show cached information. To ensure that the latest data is displayed, refresh the page by clicking the refresh button.

If the asset has an associated file that is stored in the catalog storage, you can download the file.

For added security, data masking or row filtering is also provided based on the permissions of the person who is viewing the data. If you see a shield icon a shield icon next to the column name of a relational data asset, the data in the column is masked by a data protection rule. The owner of the asset is not affected by data protection rules and always sees the original values.

If you are denied access to an asset by a data protection rule, you can see only the metadata of the asset. For example, when you click a blocked asset in a catalog, you can see the Overview page and the About this asset panel, but not the preview of the data on the Asset page.

Access page

On the Access page, you can access information about the following details:

  • Asset owner
  • Privacy setting
  • Aasset members

If you have permission, you can control access to an asset on this page.

Review page

On the Review page, you can access the ratings and reviews of the asset by catalog collaborators, rate the asset, and write a review.

Profile page

On the Profile page, you can access profile information for data assets about the contents of the asset.

Feature group page

On the Feature group, you can access information about the available features in the asset feature group. For more information, see Managing feature groups.

Next steps

Parent topic: Catalog assets

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