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Teradata database for DataStage connection

Teradata database for DataStage connection

To access your data with the Teradata database for DataStage connection, create a connection asset for it. This connection works with the DataStage Teradata database for DataStage connector, which has exclusive features for DataStage.

Teradata provides database and analytics-related services and products.

Supported versions

Teradata databases 16.20, 17.00, and 17.10

Create a connection with Teradata database for DataStage

To create the connection asset, you need these connection details:

  • Server: Teradata Director Program ID: The network ID of Teradata database. You can use from 1 to 258 characters. You can specify the full internet name or an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
  • Account: User account ID for resource accounting
  • Database: Default database
  • Username and password

The Teradata database for DataStage connection supports IBM Cloud Satellite connector. The IBM Cloud Satellite tile is available in the Private Connectivity section of the Create connection form. You can set up a Satellite Connector to securely connect to your data source from a Docker container in your on-prem infrastructure or set up a Satellite location with multiple hosts in your infrastructure, such as an on-prem data center or cloud. For more information, see Setting up a Satellite Connector.

Advanced options

  • Transaction mode: Semantics for SQL transactions: ANSI or Teradata. In the ANSI session mode, SQL statements adhere to the rules defined by the ANSI SQL specification. Each transaction consists of one or more requests, each of which can consist of one or more SQL statements. Multi-statement requests are treated as a single unit; either all the work that is done by all the statements is committed or none of the work is committed.

    In the Teradata session mode (also known as BTET session mode), transaction processing follows a set of rules that are defined by Teradata. Use the Teradata session mode for transaction processing by legacy applications.

  • Client character set: Teradata client character set. The default is UTF8. See the Teradata documentation for supported character sets.

  • Automap character set encoding: By default, this property is selected.
    Deselect if you want to specify an ICU charset encoding. Specify the NLS map name and the maximum number of bytes per character for the new map.

  • Query band expression: Semicolon-separated list of name-value pairs to use in the generated query band statement for the session. A query band is a set of user-defined parameters that can be set on a session, a transaction, or both to identify the originating source of a query. After you define a query band, it is passed to the Teradata database as a list of name=value pairs in a single quoted string. For example, 'ProjectName=dstage1'.

  • Read expression from file: Select to read the query band expression from the file that is specified in the Query band expression field. Enter the file's IANA character set name for the encoding in the Character set field.

  • Logon mechanism: Select the security mechanism to use to authenticate the user:

    • Default: Use the logon mechanism of the Teradata server.
    • TD2: Use the Teradata security mechanism.
    • LDAP: Use an LDAP security mechanism for external authentication.
  • Unicode pass through: Allow Pass Through Characters (PTCs) to be imported into and exported from Teradata. See Teradata documentation.


SSL mode: The SSL mode that is configured on the Teradata server. The Disable (unencrypted - no fallback to encrypted) mode is used if no selection is made.

  • Allow (unencrypted - fall back to encrypted): Establish an unencrypted connection that uses the non-TLS port. If the server is configured to accept connections on the non-TLS port but the attempt to connect to the non-TLS port fails (for example, timeout), the connection attempt will fail and return an error.

    An encrypted (TLS) connection is used for fallback if the administrator disables the non-TLS port and enables the TLS port.

  • Disable (unencrypted - no fallback to encrypted): Establish an unencrypted connection that uses the non-TLS port.

  • Prefer (encrypted - fall back to unencrypted): Establish an encrypted (TLS) connection if the server supports TLS and the TLS port is enabled. If the server is configured to accept connections on the TLS port but the attempt to connect to the TLS port fails (for example, timeout), the connection attempt will fail and return an error.

    An unencrypted connection to the non-TLS port is used for fallback if the administrator disables the TLS port or the server does not support TLS.

  • Require (encrypted - no fallback to unencrypted): Establish an encrypted (TLS) connection if the server supports TLS connections. The connection attempt fails if TLS connection cannot be established. Do not fall back to the non-TLS port.

  • Verify-CA (encrypted - verify CA): Similar to Require (encrypted - no fallback to unencrypted), but additionally verify the server certificate authority (CA) certificate against the configured trusted CA certificates. The connection attempt fails if no valid matching CA certificates are found.

  • Verify-Full (encrypted - verify CA and hostname): Similar to Verify-CA (encrypted - verify CA), but additionally verify the hostname identity by checking the hostname that the client uses for connecting to the server against the identity in the certificate that the server sends to the client. The hostname is matched against the certificate's Subject Alternative Name attributes, or against the Common Name attribute if no Subject Alternative Name of type "DNS Name" is present.

    If the certificate's name attribute starts with an asterisk (*), the asterisk will be treated as a wildcard, which will match all characters except a dot (.). This means that the certificate will not match subdomains. If the connection is made by using an IP address instead of a hostname, the IP address will be matched (without any DNS lookups).

    The connection fails if there is a mismatch. For encrypted connections, this option helps prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.

If you select Verify-CA (encrypted - verify CA) or Verify-Full (encrypted - verify CA and hostname), paste the SSL certificate of the host to be trusted. The certificate is needed only when the host certificate is signed by a private certificate authority.

Choose the method for creating a connection based on where you are in the platform

In a project
Click Assets > New asset > Connect to a data source. See Adding a connection to a project.
In a deployment space
Click Import assets > Data access > Connection. See Adding data assets to a deployment space.
In the Platform assets catalog
Click New connection. See Adding platform connections.

Next step: Add data assets from the connection

See Add data from a connection in a project.

Where you can use this connection

You can use the Teradata database for DataStage connection in the following workspaces and tools:

DataStage (DataStage service). See Connecting to a data source in DataStage.


Platform assets catalog

Running SQL statements

To ensure that your SQL statements run correctly, refer to the Teradata SQL documentation for the correct syntax.

Supported data types

The Teradata database for DataStage connection supports most Teradata data types except INTERVAL, TIME WITH TIME ZONE, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, and UDT.

Learn more

Related connection: Teradata connection

Parent topic: Supported connections

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