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Viewing data lineage

Viewing data lineage

You can view lineage for the assets that are in the lineage repository. Choose predefined configurations or select custom.

Required permission

You must have the following user permission:

  • Manage data lineage or Access data lineage

Viewing lineage

  1. Go to Data > Data lineage > View lineage tab to view lineage.
  2. Add assets from the repository as the starting assets for your lineage. The chosen assets are listed in the Selected assets panel.
  3. Choose settings for your lineage. You can use predefined settings sets or select custom, see Lineage settings.
  4. Click View lineage, when you finished setting up your initial lineage.

Lineage settings

In the Setting initial lineage, you can define your initial lineage configuration. This configuration can be changed or adjusted later. You can select your lineage's scope and what assets are included.

You can define lineage scope the following ways:

  • Data flow direction: Upstream flows show only items that send data to the starting assets. Downstream flows show only items that received data from the starting assets. You can choose either or both.
  • Number of hops: The initial number of data flow hops from the starting asset, in the chosen direction, initially displayed in the lineage.

You can define lineage assets the following way:

  • Asset types: Select if you want to include deduced assets or transforming assets in your lineage. A deduced asset is the asset that is discovered through scanning other data sources. It is recommended to scan the data source that contains deduced assets. A transforming asset is the asset that performs an operation on data.
  • Technology types: Assets that are obtained from the chosen technology.

Predefined lineage configurations

In the Presets section, you can select a predefined lineage configuration to help you start with setting up your lineage. If you choose one of the options, you can still adjust all the settings depending on your use case anytime. You can choose from these predefined configurations:

  • Explore lineage: This lineage configuration includes all assets of the starting assets’ lineages.
  • Explore lineage between starting assets: This lineage configuration includes only assets between the starting assets. It requires at least two selected staring assets.

Monitoring and managing lineage

Go to the Monitor and manage tab on the Data lineage page to view lineage usage with the current number of assets and tables. You can also see lineage usage by technology and data source definition.

Deleting data lineage

You can delete your lineage on the Monitor and manage page. In the table Usage by data source definition, hover over a data source definition and click Delete lineage.

Learn more

Parent topic: Data lineage

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