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Preparing for governance
Last updated: Apr 04, 2022
Preparing for governance
Preparing for governance

Before data stewards can start creating governance artifacts and curating data, you must create governance categories, assign Watson Knowledge Catalog roles to users, and add users to categories, and set up workflow configurations.

Governance is provided by governance artifacts. Governance artifacts are organized by categories. The processes for creating, updating, and deleting governance artifacts are controlled by governance artifact workflow configurations. Governance artifacts are created and assigned to data assets by users who are collaborators in categories.

Required permissions You must have the Manager user role that includes these permissions:

  • Manage governance categories
  • Manage governance workflows

Complete these tasks:

Create categories for governance artifacts

By default, the only category is the [uncategorized] category, which can't have subcategories.

Create other top-level categories to organize governance artifacts for your organization, and after you assign Watson Knowledge Catalog roles to other users, add those users to the appropriate categories. Make sure you understand how categories work before you create categories.

Assign Watson Knowledge Catalog roles to users

You must assign Watson Knowledge Catalog roles to other users before you can add them to categories.

This table summarizes which tasks require which roles.

Required roles for governance tasks
Task Roles
Create governance artifacts Data Steward
Data Engineer
Create top-level categories Manager
Create lower-level categories Data Steward
Data Engineer
Manage governance workflows Manager

For details on which permissions are provided with each role, see Roles and permissions.

Add users to categories

You must add users to the appropriate categories before they can perform these types of tasks:

  • View governance artifacts
  • Create governance artifacts
  • Assign governance artifacts to data assets or create relationships between governance artifacts
  • Create subcategories
  • Manage category collaborators

For details on which permissions are provided with each category role, see Category collaborator roles.

To add collaborators to categories, see Manage category collaborators.

Set up workflow configurations for governance artifacts

The default workflow for governance artifacts allows all users who can create governance artifacts to publish them, without reviews or approvals. You can set up other workflow configurations to define the sequence of tasks that must be completed before an artifact is published and available to use or deleted. The tasks can include approving, reviewing, and publishing or deleting. You assign which users can work on each task.

To create workflow configurations, see Managing workflow configurations for governance artifacts.

Learn more

Parent topic: Governance artifacts (new)