Planning to monitor IBM Knowledge Catalog

Last updated: Jan 12, 2024
Planning to monitor IBM Knowledge Catalog

As an administrator, you can run reports to gather statistics about catalog assets and governance artifacts. You can also monitor workflow tasks to ensure that tasks are completed on time.

Task Mandatory? Timing
Set up reporting and run queries No Anytime
Monitor governance artifact workflow tasks No Anytime

Run reports on statistics about assets and artifacts

You can run reports to monitor IBM Knowledge Catalog. The reports send data to an external data mart, which you can query with SQL statements or an analytics application. After you start reporting, all changes are automatically sent to the reporting data mart.

For example, you can run the following types of reports:

  • Get the list of assets that do not have business terms assigned to them. You can then target those assets for metadata enrichment or manual assignments.
  • Get all assets that have a particular business term assigned. If your data protection rules include business terms in their definitions, you might want to know which assets those rules affect.
  • View the trend over time of the data quality score for an asset. If the quality is declining, you can target that asset for cleansing or investigation of the cause of the quality issues.

Learn more about reporting

Monitor governance artifact workflow tasks

If your workflow configurations for governance artifacts include review and approval steps, and you have the Manage workflows permission, you can track the status of workflow tasks and take appropriate actions. For example, you can assign unclaimed tasks or contact the assignees of overdue tasks.

Learn more about monitoring tasks

Previous planning tasks

Parent topic: Planning to implement data governance