Migrating data protection rules
Use API calls to export and import data protection rules within a Cloud Pak for Data as a Service cluster or between different clusters.
You can export and import data protection rules with APIs to export data protection rules from any system and import the rules into the same or different system. Links are maintained to glossary artifacts, catalogs, assets, and users. This task is also handy for backing up and restoring your data protection rules on the same or different system.
Migrating data protection rules by using API
Required permission
To complete this task, you must be an administrator of the project (namespace) where you deployed the IBM Knowledge Catalog service.
Before you begin
All artifacts, users, user groups, user roles, and assets that are used in rules must be imported correctly to the target system before the exported rules are imported.
To avoid any errors and changes to the enforcement behavior, you must verify that the Manage rule settings between the source and target systems are configured the same.
Before you import a rule, verify whether you have custom predicates in the exported rules. If so, you must create these custom predicates in the target system before you can import.
The unmasked original data can persist in temporary storage for the following scenarios:
- A cache of data to display in the Example data section when a data protection rule is created or edit.
- A masked copy of the data in Cloud Object Storage for rapid recall of the masked data.
- A profile data might not store the entire data but store an aggregation of the data, which can include values that are found in the data.
Migrating data protection rules by using API
To export from one installation to another, set
to external_export
by running the following API:true
curl -k -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "Authorization:Bearer $token" '$url/v3/enforcement/rules/export?external_export=true'
file is generated that can be used for import.exported_file.json
- Before you import between different installations, generate a report of all rules that succeed or fail in matching names to IDs in the target system. By running the following API that sets the
parameter tocommit
curl -k -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' -H "Authorization:Bearer $token" '$url/v3/enforcement/rules/import?external_import=true&commit=false' -d "@./exported_file.json"
Before you commit the rules, use the following report to identify any rules that fails to match IDs in the target system. When you run the import with
set to external_import
, no rules are created and committed
when the true
parameter is set to commit
{ "failedList": [ { "name": "export name4", "index": 4, "ruleGuidInRequest": "abcd123e-123b-1ab2-a123-ab123456c7d1", "reason": "WDPPS9040E: Import rules failed to match export component ids: [id=123a4b56-1a23-1234-a1bc-12a3b45cd6ef_123a4b56-1a23-1a23-1a23-12ab345cd67e]" } ], "matchedList": [ { "name": "export name1", "index": 1, "ruleGuidInRequest": "12abc456-1234-12a3-a1bc-a1abc2345abc" }, { "name": "export name2", "index": 2, "ruleGuidInRequest": "123456a7-1abc-1a2b-a1bc-ab1cd234ef56" }, { "name": "export name3", "index": 3, "ruleGuidInRequest": "a123bcd4-a1b2-1234-1234-a1234567b123" } ] }
- Run the following API to set the
parameter tocommit
, such that all or none of the rules can be committed. If one of the rules fails, the whole import fails:true
curl -k -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' -H "Authorization:Bearer $token" '$url/v3/enforcement/rules/import?external_import=true&commit=true' -d "@./exported_file.json"
A sample response when importing the export package (
file) is successful:exported_file.json
SUCCEEDED { "importedList": [ { "name": "export name1", "index": 1, "guid": "a1b2cd3e-4567-8f90-gh12-345i6jklm78n", "ruleGuidInRequest": "12abc345-6789-01d2-e3fg-h4ijk5678lmn" }, { "name": "export name2", "index": 2, "guid": "12a234b5-c678-90d1-ef2g-34567h8i9012", "ruleGuidInRequest": "123456a7-8bcd-9e0f-g1hi-jk2lm345no67" }, { "name": "export name3", "index": 3, "guid": "1a234b5c-d6e7-89f0-1234-5g6hi7j8901k", "ruleGuidInRequest": "aa123bcd4-e5f6-7890-1234-g5678901h234" }, { "name": "export name4", "index": 4, "guid": "12a345bc-6789-0d12-3ef4-g5h6ijk789lm", "ruleGuidInRequest": "abcd123e-456f-7gh8-i901-jk234567l8m9" } ] }
A sample response of when importing the export package (
file) fails:exported_file.json
FAILED { "trace": "a1bc2d3e4fg5h6ijklmn7o9pq", "errors": [ { "code": "WDPPS9043E", "message": "WDPPS9043E: Import rules failed: {\"failedList\":[{\"name\":\"export name4\",\"index\":4,\"ruleGuidInRequest\":\"abcd123e-123b-1ab2-a123-ab123456c7d1\",\"reason\":\"WDPPS9040E: Import rules failed to match export component ids: [id=123a4b56-7c89-0123-d4ef-56g7h89ij0kl_123m4n56-7o89-0p12-3q45-67rs890tu12v]\"}]}" } ] }
Parent topic: Managing IBM Knowledge Catalog