Reusing custom category sets
Last updated: Feb 11, 2025
Reusing category sets in Text Analytics Workbench (SPSS Modeler)

You can customize a category set in Text Analytics Workbench and then download it to use in other SPSS Modeler flows.

About this task

Within the Text Analytics Workbench, you can customize the category set used in a Text Mining node. If you want to use this customized category set in other Text Mining nodes, you can download it and upload it in the Text Analytics Workbench for a different Text Mining node.

You can also share the downloaded file with other users so that you can all use the same category sets.


  1. Optional: Customize the category set.
    1. Select a category to customize.
    2. To add descriptors, click the Descriptors tab and then drag-and-drop from the Descriptors tab into categories to add them.
  2. Download the customized category set.
    1. From the Text Analytics Workbench, go to the Categories tab.
    2. Click the Options icon and select Download category set.
    3. Give the category set a name and click Download.
  3. Add the category set to another Text Mining node.
    1. In a different flow session, run the Text Mining node. Go to the Categories tab in the Text Analytics Workbench.
    2. Click the Options icon and select Add category set.
    3. Browse to or drag-and-drop your category set.
    4. Choose whether to replace the existing category set in the Text Mining node or to append your category set to the existing one.
      You can preview the final category set based on your choices.
    5. Click Create.