Last updated: Feb 11, 2025
Click Validate in the Expression Builder to validate an expression.
Expressions that haven't been checked are displayed in red. If errors are found, a message indicating the cause is displayed.
The following items are checked:
- Correct quoting of values and field names
- Correct usage of parameters and global variables
- Valid usage of operators
- Existence of referenced fields
- Existence and definition of referenced globals
If you encounter errors in syntax, try creating the expression using the lists and operator buttons rather than typing the expression manually. This method automatically adds the proper quotes for fields and values.
Note: Field names that contain separators must be surrounded by single quotes. To automatically add
quotes, you can create expressions using the lists and operator buttons rather than typing
expressions manually. The following characters in field names may cause errors:
• ! "# $%
& '() = ~ |-^ ¥ @" "+ *" "<>? . ,/ :; →
(arrow mark), □ △
mark, etc.)Was the topic helpful?