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The Categories tab
Last updated: May 23, 2024
The Categories tab (SPSS Modeler)

In the Text Analytics Workbench, you can use the Categories tab to create and explore categories as well as tweak the extraction results.

Extraction results can be refined by modifying the linguistic resources, which you can do directly from the Categories tab.

Figure 1. Categories tab
Categories tab

Categories pane

You can manage any categories that you build in the Categories pane. Categories are a group of closely related ideas and patterns to which documents and records are assigned through a scoring process. After extracting the concepts and types from your text data, you can begin building categories by using techniques such as semantic networks and concept inclusion, or by creating them manually. You can select a row in the pane to display information about corresponding documents/records or descriptors.

With a category selected, you can change its settings by selecting Build > Change settings from the toolbar. For more information, see Setting options.

Not all automatic techniques are available for all languages.

Preview pane

You can see the extraction results in the Preview pane. When you run an extraction, the extraction engine reads through the text data, identifies the relevant concepts, and assigns a type to each. Concepts are words or phrases extracted from your text data. Types are semantic groupings of concepts stored in the form of type dictionaries. When the extraction is complete, concepts and types appear with color coding in this pane.

Searching the Categories tab

To locate information quickly in a particular section:

  1. Click the Find icon on the Categories tab to display the search field.
  2. Type the word string you want to search for. You can use the up and down arrow buttons to control the direction of your search. If a match is found, the text is highlighted.
  3. To look for the next match, click the arrow button again.

Custom category sets

You can download a category set as an .xslx file. You can customize the category set and then reuse it by uploading the .xslx file while on the Categories tab.