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How to import the Knowledge Accelerators into IBM Knowledge Catalog

Getting started with the Knowledge Accelerators

The Knowledge Accelerators components must first be loaded into IBM Knowledge Catalog before they can be customized.

An administrator can import the Knowledge Accelerators into IBM Knowledge Catalog by using REST API endpoints that are provided as part of the content.

For more information, see the Knowledge Accelerators API docs at https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/watson-data-api#list-kas or access the Knowledge Accelerators OpenAPI user interface by appending v1/knowledge_accelerators/api/explorer/ to your IBM Cloud Pak for Data URL.

Quick start

The following table outlines the main steps to import a Knowledge Accelerators artifact.

Descriptions of the API endpoints for the Knowledge Accelerators can be found at https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/watson-data-api#list-kas.

Step Action or API endpoint More details
Requirements and permissions You must have these user permissions :
  • Manage governance categories
  • Manage glossary
Requirements and permissions

Generate an IBM Cloud IAM token by using your API Key. See https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-iamtoken_from_apikey.

Authenticating and Authorizing

Import specified Knowledge Accelerator items into the glossary. See https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/watson-data-api#import-ka-into-ikc.

See Importing the Knowledge Accelerators
Status of import

Import of assets status. See https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/watson-data-api#get-import-status.

Checking the status of the import job

Watch this video, which describes how to import the Knowledge Accelerators.

Video disclaimer: This video provides a visual method to learn the concepts and tasks in this documentation. Some minor steps and graphical elements in this video may differ from your Cloud Pak for Data deployment.

Requirements and permissions

The Knowledge Accelerators are available to import into IBM Knowledge Catalog, to IBM Cloud Pak for Data users with the following plan and user permissions.

Offering plan
You can add Knowledge Accelerators to your governance framework if you have the IBM Cloud Pak for Data Enterprise plan. For more information about the Enterprise plan, see IBM Knowledge Catalog service plans.
Required permissions
You must have these user permissions to import the Knowledge Accelerators:
  • Manage governance categories
  • Manage glossary

Authenticating and Authorizing

To authenticate with Cloud Pak for Data, you need to generate an IBM Cloud IAM token.

  1. Get your API key. For instructions see: https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-userapikey#create_user_key.
  2. Generate an IAM token by using your API key. For instructions see: https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-iamtoken_from_apikey.

Choosing which Knowledge Accelerator items to import

When you are planning to import Knowledge Accelerators content, consider the following two main options.

Importing a selection of Business Scopes
A selection of Knowledge Accelerator Business Scopes are available to be imported separately, for example Data Privacy and other industry specific scopes. If one or more of these business scopes exists for an area you are interested in, and if you prefer to start with a relatively small number of business terms, for example 200 to 500 terms, then you can install one or more of these separate scopes.
Importing some or all of the Knowledge Accelerator vocabularies
The Knowledge Accelerators vocabularies exist for each of the four specific industries and contain the complete Business Vocabulary, Industry Alignment Vocabularies, and all the Business Scopes. You can choose to import all or a selection of these vocabularies. If there is a need to import an extensive set of business terms to address the breadth of an industry, for example 5,000 to 20,000 terms, then select this option.
For a detailed list of all available items for each industry, including a definition, the identifiers, and more information, see the following links.

Checking which items are available for import

To check which Knowledge Accelerators are available for import, call the Get all Knowledge Accelerators API endpoint.

See https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/watson-data-api#list-kas

Checking which items are available for import per industry

To check which Knowledge Accelerators are available for import for a specific industry, call the Get a specific Knowledge Accelerator API endpoint.

See https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/watson-data-api#get-ka-by-id.

The id values to use for each industry are in the following table.
Cross Industry Energy and Utilities Financial Services Healthcare Insurance

Checking which Knowledge Accelerators are already imported

To check whether any Knowledge Accelerators are imported into an instance of IBM Knowledge Catalog, call the Get what Knowledge Accelerator items are imported into glossary API endpoint.

See https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/watson-data-api#get-ka-status.

Importing the Knowledge Accelerators

To import Knowledge Accelerators items into an instance of IBM Knowledge Catalog, call the Import specified Knowledge Accelerator items into the glossary API endpoint.

See https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/watson-data-api#import-ka-into-ikc.

  1. Choose the items that you want to install. See Checking which items are available for import and Checking which items are available for import per industry.
    Tip: For each industry, you have the option of importing specific business scopes or the full industry Business Core Vocabulary and optional Industry Alignment Vocabularies. For a detailed list of all available items, including a definition, the identifiers, and more information, see the following links.
  2. Enter values for the following parameters.
    For example:
    Parameter Description Example
    ka_id The id for an industry kafs20
    ids The id for one or more Knowledge Accelerator items you want to import separated by a comma. Please note that you can only import one scope at a time. core-bpi,ccpa,fhir, gdpr
    merge_option The merge option to be used when importing into IBM Knowledge Catalog. all
    dependencies Indicates which dependencies of the item ids specified should also be imported. mandatory
    • Select false to check the parameters and find out what will be imported.
    • Select true to import.
  3. In the response, take note of the "process_id" as you can use this to check the status of the import job in the next section, Checking the status of the import job. It might be necessary or desirable to do this check, as sometimes the import can take some time, depending on the number and size of the items that were imported.
  • If you import multiple KA Business Scopes, some relationships from shared artifacts such as policies and rules to vocabulary Terms may be overwritten by a subsequent Business Scope import.
  • If you import the Knowledge Accelerators for multiple industries, relationships from shared artifacts such as from policies and rules to vocabulary terms, may not be merged for the subsequent import - the mappings from the initially imported KA artifacts are retained. You can ignore the messages (GIM00010E or GIM00015E) in the import log relating to the policies and governance rules.

Checking the status of the import job

To check the status of the import, call the Import of assets status API endpoint.

See https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/watson-data-api#get-import-status where {process_id} is the value from Importing the Knowledge Accelerators.

The import status remains "IN_PROGRESS" until all the artifacts are imported.

Adding collaborators

You need to add collaborators to the Knowledge Accelerators categories, otherwise only the person who imports the accelerator can use the artifacts. See Managing access to a category for details on how to do this.

Copying into a project

You can also add the Knowledge Accelerators artifacts as CSV files in a Cloud Pak for Data project, by using the Copy Knowledge Accelerator items into project API endpoint.

See https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/watson-data-api#copy-ka-into-ikc


The CSV files can be downloaded locally and the content can be imported with the IBM Knowledge Catalog user interface. For more information on how to use the CSV import in IBM Knowledge Catalog, see the topic Importing governance artifacts by type with CSV files.

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