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Finding resource usage in DataStage

Finding resource usage in DataStage

You can use the cpdctl dsjob CLI to find out how many CUH (Capacity Unit-Hours) are being used on job runs.

Find the CUH usage for the latest run of specific job or use the run id to obtain the CUH usage of a specific run.

  1. Set up the cpdctl dsjob environment.
  2. List all jobs in the project.
    cpdctl dsjob list-jobs --project Project2022
  3. Use the jobrunstat command to get the latest job run of a given job.
    cpdctl dsjob jobrunstat --project Project2022 --name "TestGoogleBigQuery.DataStage job" --output json
    To get usage for a specific run, use parameter --run-id with the job run id.
    cpdctl dsjob jobrunstat --project Project2022 --name "TestGoogleBigQuery.DataStage job" --run-id bcead394-ace0-493b-8368-b218ec887b47 --output json
    The job run info will be output in JSON format. The CUH usage is listed under "resource_usage".
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