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Managing AI use cases

Last updated: Mar 11, 2025
Managing AI use cases

Manage the options for AI use cases. For example, create or manage an inventory for storing and reviewing AI use cases, customize report templates, or manage attachments.

Creating an inventory for AI use cases

You must have Admin rights for watsonx.governance to create and manage an inventory. You must also have a minimum role View for IAM Account Management services. For more information, see Collaboration roles.

If there is no default inventory available for your account, you are prompted to create one. A default inventory is a platform catalog that provides a repository for inventory assets. It is required for governing external models or managing attachments and reports. For details, see Setting up the default inventory.

  1. Click AI governance > Inventories from the navigation menu to see a list of existing inventories.
  2. Click New inventory.
  3. Type a name and an optional description.
  4. Select the Cloud Object Storage instance.
  5. Click Create.

Adding collaborators to an inventory

Inventories are meant to be collaborative so that multiple people that perform different roles can contribute to governance of key assets. To add collaborators to an inventory:

  1. From the settings menu for the inventory, click Set collaborators.
  2. Click Add collaborators to add collaborators individually, or by user group.
  3. Assign a role of Admin, Editor, or Viewer.
  4. Collaborators are added to the list for the inventory. You can remove or change the assigned access as needed.

Managing external models, report templates, and attachments

You can extend inventory management to include the ability to govern external models, customize report templates, and manage attachments for factsheets.

Enabling governance of external models

Enable governance for models that are created in notebooks or outside of Cloud Pak for Data. Track the results of model evaluations and model details in factsheets. You can store external models in the Platform assets catalog or choose an inventory.

  1. Open the inventory you want to use for manage external models.
  2. Click General to see the General settings.
  3. Click the toggle to enable External model management.
  4. Select an inventory for tracking external models.
  5. Select an owner, then click Apply.
Note: External models are listed under AI governance in the main navigation menu.

Enabling integration with the Governance console

When integration with IBM OpenPages is provisioned and configured, AI use cases created in the watsonx Governance console display in the Platform access catalog and information is synched between the Governance console and factsheets.

When integration is enabled, watsonx.governance syncs all OpenPages use cases to the default inventory specified in integration setup.

For more information, see Integrating IBM watsonx Governance console with watsonx.governance.

Managing report templates

Manage report templates to customize the reports inventory users can create.

For details, see Managing report templates.

Managing attachments

Create and manage attachment groups for AI use cases to provide the structure for users to attach supporting files to enrich a use case or a factsheet. For example, if you want every use case to include approval documents, you can create a group to define placeholders for those documents in each use case. Users can then upload the documents to those placeholder slots.

For more information, see Managing attachments.

Learn more

Parent topic: Governing assets in AI use cases