You can see the events for actions for your provisioned services in the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker. You can use the information that is registered through the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker service to identify security incidents, detect unauthorized access, and comply with regulatory and internal auditing requirements.
To get started, provision an instance of the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker service. See IBM Cloud Activity Tracker.
View events in the Activity Tracker in the same IBM Cloud region where you provisioned your services. To view the account and user management events and other global platform events, you must provision an instance of the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker service in the Frankfurt (eu-de) region. See Platform services.
Events for account and user management
You can audit account and user management events in Activity Tracker, including:
- Billing events
- Global catalog events
- IAM and user management events
For the complete list of account and user management events, see IBM Cloud docs: Auditing events for account management.
Events for Studio
Action | Description |
data-science-experience.project.create | Create a project. |
data-science-experience.project.delete | Delete a project. |
data-science-experience.notebook.create | Create a Notebook. |
data-science-experience.notebook.delete | Delete a Notebook. |
data-science-experience.notebook.update | Change the runtime service of a Notebook by selecting another one. |
data-science-experience.rstudio.start | Open RStudio. |
data-science-experience.rstudio.stop | RStudio session timed out. |
Events for Decision Optimization
Action | Description |
domodel.decision.create | Create experiments |
domodel.decision.update | Update experiments |
domodel.decision.delete | Delete experiments |
domodel.container.create | Create scenarios |
domodel.container.update | Update scenarios |
domodel.container.delete | Delete scenarios |
domodel.notebook.import | Update a scenario from a notebook |
domodel.notebook.export | Generate a model notebook from a scenario |
domodel.wml.export | Generate Runtime models from a scenario |
domodel.solve.start | Solve a scenario |
domodel.solve.stop | Cancel a solve |
Events for feature groups
Action | Description |
data_science_experience.feature-group.retrieve | Retrieve a feature group |
data_science_experience.feature-group.create | Create a feature group |
data_science_experience.feature-group.update | Update a feature group |
data_science_experience.feature-group.delete | Delete a feature group |
Events for asset management
Action | Description |
datacatalog.asset.clone | Copy an asset. |
datacatalog.asset.create | Create an asset. | | Create a data asset. |
datacatalog.folder-asset.create | Create a folder asset. |
datacatalog.type.create | Create an asset type. |
datacatalog.asset.purge | Delete an asset from the trash. |
datacatalog.asset.restore | Restore an asset from the trash. |
datacatalog.asset.trash | Send an asset to the trash. |
datacatalog.asset.update | Update an asset. |
datacatalog.promoted-asset.create | Create a project asset in a space. |
datacatalog.promoted-asset.update | Update a space asset that started in a project. |
datacatalog.asset.promote | Promote an asset from project to space. |
Events for asset attachments
Action | Description |
datacatalog.attachment.create | Create an attachment. |
datacatalog.attachment.delete | Delete an attachment. |
datacatalog.attachment-resources.increase | Increase resources for an attachment. |
datacatalog.complete.transfer | Mark an attachment as transfer complete. |
datacatalog.attachment.update | Update attachment metadata. |
Events for asset attributes
Action | Description |
datacatalog.attribute.create | Create an attribute. |
datacatalog.attribute.delete | Delete an attribute. |
datacatalog.attribute.update | Update an attribute. |
Events for connections
Action | Description |
---|---| | Read a connection. |
wdp-connect-connection.connection.get | Retrieve a connection. |
wdp-connect-connection.connection.get.list | Get a list of connections. |
wdp-connect-connection.connection.create | Create a connection. |
wdp-connect-connection.connection.delete | Delete a connection. |
Events for scheduling
Action | Description |
wdp.scheduling.schedule.update.failed | An update to a schedule failed. |
wdp.scheduling.schedule.create.failed | The creation of a schedule failed. | | Read a schedule. |
wdp.scheduling.schedule.update | Update a schedule. |
wdp.scheduling.schedule.delete.multiple | Delete multiple schedules. |
wdp.scheduling.schedule.list | List all schedules. |
wdp.scheduling.schedule.create | Create a schedule. |
Events for Data Refinery flows
Action | Description |
---|---| | Read a Data Refinery flow |
data-science-experience.datarefinery-flow.create | Create a Data Refinery flow |
data-science-experience.datarefinery-flow.delete | Delete a Data Refinery flow |
data-science-experience.datarefinery-flow.update | Update (save) a Data Refinery flow |
data-science-experience.datarefinery-flow.backup | Clone (duplicate) a Data Refinery flow |
data-science-experience.datarefinery-flowrun.create | Create a Data Refinery flow job run |
data-science-experience.datarefinery-flowrun-complete.update | Complete a Data Refinery flow job run |
data-science-experience.datarefinery-flowrun-cancel.update | Cancel a Data Refinery flow job run |
Events for profiling
Action | Description |
wdp-profiling.profile.start | Initiate profiling. |
wdp-profiling.profile.create | Create a profile. |
wdp-profiling.profile.delete | Delete a profile. | | Read a profile. |
wdp-profiling.profile.list | List the profiles of a data asset. |
wdp-profiling.profile.update | Update a profile. |
wdp-profiling.profile.asset-classification.update | Update the asset classification of a profile. |
wdp-profiling.profile.column-classification.update | Update the column classification of a profile. |
wdp-profiling.profile.create.failed | Profile could not be created. |
wdp-profiling.profile.delete.failed | Profile could not be deleted. | | Profile could not be read. |
wdp-profiling.profile.list.failed | Profiles could not be listed. |
wdp-profiling.profile.update.failed | Profile could not be updated. |
wdp-profiling.profile.asset-classification.update.failed | Asset classification of the profile could not be updated. |
wdp-profiling.profile.column-classification.update.failed | Column classification of the profile could not be updated. |
Events for profiling options
Action | Description |
wdp-profiling.profile_options.create | Create profiling options. | | Read profiling options. |
wdp-profiling.profile_options.update | Update profiling options. |
wdp-profiling.profile_options.delete | Delete profiling options |
wdp-profiling.profile_options.create.failed | Profiling options could not be created. | | Profiling options could not be read. |
wdp-profiling.profile_options.update.failed | Profiling options could not be updated. |
wdp-profiling.profile_options.delete.failed | Profiling options could not be deleted. |
Events for feature groups
Action | Description |
data_catalog.feature-group.retrieve | Retrieve a feature group |
data_catalog.feature-group.create | Create a feature group |
data_catalog.feature-group.update | Update a feature group |
data_catalog.feature-group.delete | Delete a feature group |
Events for data lineage
Action | Description |
technologies.list | List of all technologies in the database. | | Get technology details based on the ID of the requested technology. |
ID.technology_children.list | List technology children based on the ID of the parent asset. |
licensing_tenants.list | List licensing tenants. |
ID.licensing_tenant.get | Get a licensing tenant by licensing tenant ID. |
lineage_assets.list | List lineage assets. |
ID.lineage_asset.get | Get lineage asset details based on the ID of the requested asset. |
ID.lineage_asset_children.list | List lineage asset children based on the ID of the parent asset. |
ID.lineage_asset_source_code.get | Get source code that was used to define the asset. |
lineage_assets.list | Search and filter lineage assets. |
lineage_asset_names.list | Need input |
lineage_asset.update | Need input |
lineage_asset_types.list | Need input |
ID.entity_subgraph.get | Get entity graph including entity and relationships. |
ID.entity_provider_metadata.get | Get entity provider metadata such provider ID and provider properties. |
entity_id.get | Get entity by provider metadata. |
lineage_asset_id.list | List lineage asset ID by container ID and source asset ID. |
query_lineage.get | Queries the data flow and returns a subset of the lineage graph. |
query_summary_edge_assets.get | Gets assets that are hidden by a summary edge. |
query_relative_assets.get | Get query relative assets. |
licensing_plans.list | List licensing plans. |
licensing_sources.list | List licensing sources. |
ID.licensing_source.get | Get a licensing source by licensing source ID. |
licensing_technologies.list | List licensing technologies. |
ID.licensing_technology.get | Get a licensing technology by licensing technology ID. |
linensing_tenants.list | List licensing tenants. |
ID.licensing_tenant.get | Get a licensing tenant by licensing tenant ID. |
Events for
Events for working with foundation models
Action | Description |
---|---| | Send a prompt to a foundation model or tuned foundation model for inferencing. |
pm-20.text-tokenization.send | Send a tokenization request to a foundation model. |
Events for foundation model tuning
When you tune a foundation model in, you trigger standard Runtime events.
Tuning Studio action | Runtime Activity Tracker events |
Work with a tuning experiment or tuned foundation model asset | Runtime repository assets |
Start or stop a tuning experiment | Runtime training assets |
Deploy a tuned foundation model | Runtime deployments Note: Batch mode is not supported, so job events are not triggered. |
Events for Runtime
Events for Runtime deployments
Action | Description |
pm-20.deployment.create | Create a Runtime deployment. | | Get a Runtime deployment. |
pm-20.deployment.update | Update a Runtime deployment. |
pm-20.deployment.delete | Delete a Runtime deployment. |
pm-20.deployment_job.create | Create a Runtime deployment job. | | Get a Runtime deployment job. |
pm-20.deployment_job.delete | Delete a Runtime deployment job. |
Events for Runtime instances
Action | Description |
pm-20.instance.create | Create a new instance of Runtime |
pm-20.instance.restore | Restore a deleted instance of Runtime |
pm-20.instance.delete | Delete an instance of Runtime |
Events for SPSS Modeler flows
Action | Description |
data-science-experience.modeler-session.create | Create a new SPSS Modeler session. |
data-science-experience.modeler-flow.send | Store the current SPSS Modeler flow. |
data-science-experience.modeler-flows-user.receive | Get the current user information. |
data-science-experience.modeler-flow-preview.create | Preview a node in an SPSS Modeler flow. |
data-science-experience.modeler-examples.receive | Get the list of example SPSS Modeler flows. |
data-science-experience.modeler-runtimes.receive | Get the list of available SPSS Modeler runtimes. |
data-science-experience.lock-modeler-flow.enable | Allocate the lock for the SPSS Modeler flow to the user. |
data-science-experience.project-name.receive | Get the name of the project. |
Event for model visualizations
Action | Description |
pm-20.model.visualize | Visualize model output. The model output can have a single model, ensemble models, or a time-series model. The visualization type can be single, auto, or time-series. This visualization type is in requestedData section. |
Events for Runtime training assets
Action | Description |
---|---| | Authenticate user. | | Authorize user. | | List all of training. | | Get one training. | | Start a training. | | Stop a training. |
Events for Runtime repository assets
The deployment events are tracked for these Runtime repository assets:
Asset type | Description |
wml_model | Represents a machine learning model asset. |
wml_model_definition | Represents the code that is used to train one or more models. |
wml_pipeline | Represents a hybrid-pipeline, a SparkML pipeline or a sklearn pipeline that is represented as a JSON document that is used to train one or more models. |
wml_experiment | Represents the assets that capture a set of wml_pipeline or wml_model_definition assets that are trained at the same time on the same data set. |
wml_function | Represents a Python function (code is packaged in a compressed file) that will be deployed as online deployment in Runtime. This code needs to contain a score(...) python function. |
wml_training_definition | Represents the training metadata necessary to start a training job. |
wml_deployment_job_definition | Represents the deployment metadata information to create a batch job in WML. This asset type contains the same metadata that is used by the /ml/v4/deployment_jobs endpoint. When you submit batch deployment jobs, you can either provide the job definition inline or reference a job definition in a query parameter. |
These activities are tracked for each asset type:
Action | Description |
pm-20.<asset_type> .list |
List all of the specified asset type. |
pm-20.<asset_type> .create |
Create one of the specified asset types. |
pm-20.<asset_type> .delete |
Delete one of the specified asset types. |
pm-20.<asset_type> .update |
Update a specified asset type. |
pm-20.<asset_type> .read |
View a specified asset type. |
pm-20.<asset_type> .add |
Add a specified asset type. |
Events for model evaluation (watsonx.governance)
Events for public APIs
Action | Description |
aiopenscale.metrics.create | Store metric in the Watson OpenScale instance |
aiopenscale.payload.create | Log payload in the Watson OpenScale instance |
Events for private APIs
Action | Description |
aiopenscale.datamart.configure | Configure the Watson OpenScale instance |
aiopenscale.datamart.delete | Delete the Watson OpenScale instance |
aiopenscale.binding.create | Add service binding to the Watson OpenScale instance |
aiopenscale.binding.delete | Delete service binding from the Watson OpenScale instance |
aiopenscale.subscription.create | Add subscription to the Watson OpenScale instance |
aiopenscale.subscription.delete | Delete subscription from the Watson OpenScale instance |
Parent topic: Administration