transformnode properties
Last updated: Feb 12, 2025
transformnode properties

Table node iconThe Transform node allows you to select and visually preview the results of transformations before applying them to selected fields.


stream =
typenode = stream.findByID("id42KW3MSA94B")

node = stream.create("transform", "My node"), node)

node.setPropertyValue("fields", ["Age", "K", "Na"])
node.setPropertyValue("formula", "Select")
node.setPropertyValue("formula_log_n", True)
node.setPropertyValue("formula_log_n_offset", 1)[])
Table 1. transformnode properties
transformnode properties Data type Property description
fields [ field1… fieldn] The fields to be used in the transformation.
formula All Select Indicates whether all or selected transformations should be calculated.
formula_inverse flag Indicates if the inverse transformation should be used.
formula_inverse_offset number Indicates a data offset to be used for the formula. Set as 0 by default, unless specified by user.
formula_log_n flag Indicates if the logn transformation should be used.
formula_log_n_offset number
formula_log_10 flag Indicates if the log10 transformation should be used.
formula_log_10_offset number
formula_exponential flag Indicates if the exponential transformation (ex) should be used.
formula_square_root flag Indicates if the square root transformation should be used.
use_output_name flag Specifies whether a custom output name is used.
output_name string If use_output_name is true, specifies the name to use.
output_mode Screen File Used to specify target location for output generated from the output node.
output_format HTML (.html) Output (.cou) Used to specify the type of output.
paginate_output flag When the output_format is HTML, causes the output to be separated into pages.
lines_per_page number When used with paginate_output, specifies the lines per page of output.
full_filename string Indicates the file name to be used for the file output.