meansnode properties
Last updated: Feb 12, 2025
meansnode properties

Means node iconThe Means node compares the means between independent groups or between pairs of related fields to test whether a significant difference exists. For example, you could compare mean revenues before and after running a promotion or compare revenues from customers who didn't receive the promotion with those who did.


stream =
sourcenode = stream.findByID("id46WRP1285C")

node = stream.create("means", "My node")
node.setPropertyValue("means_mode", "BetweenGroups")
node.setPropertyValue("grouping_field", "BP")
node.setPropertyValue("test_fields", ["Age", "K", "Na"]), node)
Table 1. meansnode properties
meansnode properties Data type Property description
means_mode BetweenGroups BetweenFields Specifies the type of means statistic to be executed on the data.
test_fields [field1 ... fieldn] Specifies the test field when means_mode is set to BetweenGroups.
grouping_field field Specifies the grouping field.
paired_fields [[field1 field2] [field3 field4] ...] Specifies the field pairs to use when means_mode is set to BetweenFields.
label_correlations flag Specifies whether correlation labels are shown in output. This setting applies only when means_mode is set to BetweenFields.
correlation_mode Probability Absolute Specifies whether to label correlations by probability or absolute value.
weak_label string  
medium_label string  
strong_label string  
weak_below_probability number When correlation_mode is set to Probability, specifies the cutoff value for weak correlations. This must be a value between 0 and 1—for example, 0.90.
strong_above_probability number Cutoff value for strong correlations.
weak_below_absolute number When correlation_mode is set to Absolute, specifies the cutoff value for weak correlations. This must be a value between 0 and 1—for example, 0.90.
strong_above_absolute number Cutoff value for strong correlations.
unimportant_label string  
marginal_label string  
important_label string  
unimportant_below number Cutoff value for low field importance. This must be a value between 0 and 1—for example, 0.90.
important_above number  
use_output_name flag Specifies whether a custom output name is used.
output_name string Name to use.
output_mode Screen File Specifies the target location for output generated from the output node.
output_format Formatted (.tab) Delimited (.csv) HTML (.html) Output (.cou) Specifies the type of output.
full_filename string  
output_view Simple Advanced Specifies whether the simple or advanced view is displayed in the output.