associationrulesnode properties

Last updated: Feb 11, 2025
associationrulesnode properties

Association Rules node iconThe Association Rules node is similar to the Apriori Node. However, unlike Apriori, the Association Rules node can process list data. In addition, the Association Rules node can be used with SPSS Analytic Server to process big data and take advantage of faster parallel processing.

Table 1. associationrulesnode properties
associationrulesnode properties Data type Property description
predictions field Fields in this list can only appear as a predictor of a rule
conditions [field1...fieldN] Fields in this list can only appear as a condition of a rule
max_rule_conditions integer The maximum number of conditions that can be included in a single rule. Minimum 1, maximum 9.
max_rule_predictions integer The maximum number of predictions that can be included in a single rule. Minimum 1, maximum 5.
max_num_rules integer The maximum number of rules that can be considered as part of rule building. Minimum 1, maximum 10,000.
rule_criterion_top_n Confidence Rulesupport Lift Conditionsupport Deployability The rule criterion that determines the value by which the top "N" rules in the model are chosen.
true_flags Boolean Setting as Y determines that only the true values for flag fields are considered during rule building.
rule_criterion Boolean Setting as Y determines that the rule criterion values are used for excluding rules during model building.
min_confidence number 0.1 to 100 - the percentage value for the minimum required confidence level for a rule produced by the model. If the model produces a rule with a confidence level less than the value specified here the rule is discarded.
min_rule_support number 0.1 to 100 - the percentage value for the minimum required rule support for a rule produced by the model. If the model produces a rule with a rule support level less than the specified value the rule is discarded.
min_condition_support number 0.1 to 100 - the percentage value for the minimum required condition support for a rule produced by the model. If the model produces a rule with a condition support level less than the specified value the rule is discarded.
min_lift integer 1 to 10 - represents the minimum required lift for a rule produced by the model. If the model produces a rule with a lift level less than the specified value the rule is discarded.
exclude_rules Boolean Used to select a list of related fields from which you do not want the model to create rules. Example: set :gsarsnode.exclude_rules = [[[field1,field2, field3]],[[field4, field5]]] - where each list of fields separated by [] is a row in the table.
num_bins integer Set the number of automatic bins that continuous fields are binned to. Minimum 2, maximum 10.
max_list_length integer Applies to any list fields for which the maximum length is not known. Elements in the list up until the number specified here are included in the model build; any further elements are discarded. Minimum 1, maximum 100.
output_confidence Boolean  
output_rule_support Boolean  
output_lift Boolean  
output_condition_support Boolean  
output_deployability Boolean  
rules_to_display upto all The maximum number of rules to display in the output tables.
display_upto integer If upto is set in rules_to_display, set the number of rules to display in the output tables. Minimum 1.
field_transformations Boolean  
records_summary Boolean  
rule_statistics Boolean  
most_frequent_values Boolean  
most_frequent_fields Boolean  
word_cloud Boolean  
word_cloud_sort Confidence Rulesupport Lift Conditionsupport Deployability  
word_cloud_display integer Minimum 1, maximum 20
max_predictions integer The maximum number of rules that can be applied to each input to the score.
criterion Confidence Rulesupport Lift Conditionsupport Deployability Select the measure used to determine the strength of rules.
allow_repeats Boolean Determine whether rules with the same prediction are included in the score.
check_input NoPredictions Predictions NoCheck