For the Auto Classifier, Auto Numeric, and Auto Cluster nodes, you can set properties for specific algorithms used by the node by using the general form:
autonode.setKeyedPropertyValue(<algorithm>, <property>, <value>)
For example:
node.setKeyedPropertyValue("neuralnetwork", "method", "MultilayerPerceptron")
Algorithm names for the Auto Classifier node are
, chaid
, quest
, c50
, decisionlist
, bayesnet
and svm
. knn
Algorithm names for the Auto Numeric node are
, chaid
, neuralnetwork
, svm
, regression
and linear
. knn
Algorithm names for the Auto Cluster node are
, and k-means
. kohonen
Property names are standard as documented for each algorithm node.
Algorithm properties that contain periods or other punctuation must be wrapped in single quotes. For example:
node.setKeyedPropertyValue("logreg", "tolerance", "1.0E-5")
Multiple values can also be assigned for a property. For example:
node.setKeyedPropertyValue("decisionlist", "search_direction", ["Up", "Down"])
To enable or disable the use of a specific algorithm:
node.setPropertyValue("chaid", True)