dataassetexport properties
Last updated: Feb 12, 2025
dataassetexport properties

Data Asset Export node iconYou can use the Data Asset Export node to write to remove data sources using connections, write to a data file on your local computer, or write data to a project.


import json
stream =
dataassetexport = stream.findByID("<import nodeId>")

# loads the string settings as a json object
userSettings = json.loads(dataassetexport.getPropertyValue("user_settings"))

userSettings["interactionProperties"]["file_name"] = "<new file name>"
dataassetexport.setPropertyValue("user_settings", json.dumps(userSettings))
Table 1. dataassetexport properties
Property name Data type Property description
asset_type DataAsset
Specify your data type: DataAsset or Connection.
asset_id string When DataAsset is set for the asset_type, this is the ID of the asset.
asset_name string When DataAsset is set for the asset_type, this is the name of the asset.
connection_id string When Connection is set for the asset_type, this is the ID of the connection.
connection_name string When Connection is set for the asset_type, this is the name of the connection.
connection_path string When Connection is set for the asset_type, this is the path of the connection.
user_settings string Escaped JSON string containing the interaction properties for the connection. Contact IBM for details about available interaction points.


user_settings: "{\"interactionProperties\":{\"write_mode\":\"write\",\"file_name\":\"output.csv\",\"file_format\":\"csv\",\"quote_numerics\":true,\"encoding\":\"utf-8\",\"first_line_header\":true,\"include_types\":false}}"

Note that these values will change based on the type of connection you're using.