Knowledge Accelerator for Financial Services artifacts
Last updated: Jun 21, 2024
The Knowledge Accelerator for Financial Services consists of a number of items that can be imported depending on what business areas are required to be addressed.
In total there are approximately:
- 14,618 business terms
- 662 categories
- 846 reference data sets
- 326 data classes (including a re-categorization of 165 IBM Knowledge Catalog data classes)
- 57 policies
- 30 rules
The items available for import are listed in the following tables.
Base, Core and Business Performance Indicators
Name | Description | Statistics (approximate) | Identifier |
KAFS base | Top-level categories and classifications for the Knowledge Accelerators. Custom attribute definitions also included. |
base |
KAFS core and business performance indicators | The Knowledge Accelerator for Financial Services is a business vocabulary that describes the Financial Institution's core terminology, business topics and reporting metrics. |
core-bpi |
Business Scopes available for separate import
For a more detailed definition and more information on the content of each of the business scopes, see Financial Services Business Scopes available for separate import.
Name | Description | Statistics (approximate) | Identifier |
AML Suspicious Transactions | A Business Scope that groups terms describing characteristics of transactions and activities that affect financial balances of retail accounts so pattern abnormalities and suspicious behavior can be established. |
aml-suspicious-transactions |
Banking Customers | A Business Scope that groups terms describing characteristics of the Financial Institution's Individual and Organization Customers, their Household and family relationships, financial status, ratings and contact preferences. |
banking-customers |
Credit Cards | A Business Scope that groups terms describing characteristics of the Financial Institution's Credit Card products, including the specific arrangements with Customers and the transactions representing the financial movements on the arrangements. |
credit-cards |
Credit Risk Mitigation | A Business Scope that groups terms supporting the assessment of the risk of credit loss to the Financial Institution, and the mitigants in place to reduce the risk of such potential losses. |
credit-risk-mitigation |
Data Privacy | A Business Scope that groups terms for Data Privacy addressing the personal information of individuals and the processing of that information. |
data-privacy |
Loans And Mortgages | A Business Scope that groups terms describing characteristics of Loans and Mortgages including the product details, the specific arrangements with Customers, the purchased property, security provided and transactions on the arrangements. |
loans-and-mortgages |
Payments Data | A Business Scope that groups terms describing characteristics of inward and outward payments for the Financial Institution. |
payments-data |
Industry Alignment Vocabularies
Name | Description | Statistics (approximate) | Identifier |
Algorithmics | The Knowledge Accelerator Industry Alignment Vocabulary for Algorithmics is a set of terms and assignments to the Business Core Vocabulary addressing the main input parameters for the Algorithmics Asset & Liability and Liquidity Risk solution. |
algo |
Basel Disclosures | The Knowledge Accelerator Industry Alignment Vocabulary for Basel Disclosures is a set of terms and assignments to the Business Core Vocabulary addressing the regulatory reporting requirements for Credit Risk. |
basel-disclosures |
Basel Framework | The Knowledge Accelerator Industry Alignment Vocabulary for Basel Framework is a set of terms and assignments to the Business Core Vocabulary and Business Performance Indicators addressing banking regulatory risk and capital requirements. |
basel-framework |
Capital Requirements Directive | The Knowledge Accelerator Industry Alignment Vocabulary for the Capital Requirement Directive groups terms from the Basel Industry Alignment Vocabulary addressing regulatory capital requirements for the European Union. |
capital-req |
CCAR | The Knowledge Accelerator Industry Alignment Vocabulary for CCAR is a set of terms and assignments to the Business Core Vocabulary and Business Performance Indicators addressing loan, credit card, portfolio and address reporting requirements of FR Y-14M. |
ccar |
CCPA | The Knowledge Accelerator Industry Alignment Vocabulary for CCPA is a set of terms and assignments to the Business Core Vocabulary addressing data privacy for consumers in the state of California. |
ccpa |
Dodd Frank | The Knowledge Accelerator Industry Alignment Vocabulary for Dodd Frank is a set of terms and assignments to the Business Core Vocabulary and Business Performance Indicators addressing Swap Data, Dealers and Participants and Large Trader Reporting. |
dodd-frank |
EBA DPM | The Knowledge Accelerator Industry Alignment Vocabulary for the EBA Data Point Model (DPM) V3.3 is a set of terms and assignments to the Business Core Vocabulary addressing financial reporting requirements of the European Banking Authority. |
eba-dpm |
FATCA | The Knowledge Accelerator Industry Alignment Vocabulary for FATCA is a set of terms and assignments to the Business Core Vocabulary addressing reporting of financial assets for tax compliance purposes of US citizens and residents. |
fatca |
FIBO | The Knowledge Accelerator Industry Alignment Vocabulary for FIBO is a set of terms and assignments to the Business Core Vocabulary addressing the Financial Industry Business Ontology definition of a consolidated financial industry terminology. |
fibo |
GDPR | The Knowledge Accelerator Industry Alignment Vocabulary for GDPR is a set of terms and assignments to the Business Core Vocabulary and Business Performance Indicators addressing data protection for all individuals within the European Union. |
gdpr |
ISO | The Knowledge Accelerator Industry Alignment Vocabulary for ISO is a set reference data sets, data classes and assignments to Business Core Vocabulary for standards developed and published by the International Organization for Standardization. |
iso |
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