Settings for the project, flow, and job level in DataStage®
Last updated: Mar 12, 2025
Settings for the project, flow, and job level in DataStage

You can specify settings at the project, flow, job, and run callback level.

Project-level settings

To specify project-level settings, go to the Manage tab of your project and select DataStage. At the project level, you can define artifact retention limits, select environments, set warning limits, and specify the job priority queue. After you change a project-level setting, recompile a flow to run it with the new settings in effect.

Flow-level settings

You can specify warning limits and the job priority queue under Settings for a flow. You can also specify NLS and formatting details.

Job-level settings

At the job level, you can select an environment and specify the warning limit and job priority queue. Newly created jobs inherit default values from flow-level or project-level settings, but specifying a setting at the job level overrides the defaults. To select job-level settings when you create or edit a job, go to the Settings tab.

You can pass the environment name as a job run parameter to select the runtime environment for a job run. You can set the DSJobRunEnvironmentName to avoid having to change settings while moving jobs between environments. For example, to select the ds-px-small environment:
This overrides the environment that is selected in project or flow settings.

Run-level settings

Click the play icon under job details to specify settings for a job run in the Run tab.