Last updated: Mar 12, 2025
To replace a BASIC routine, rewrite the routine code into a script that uses the
CLI or REST API calls. Add it to your Pipeline flow as a Run Bash script
Authentication token
To get started with the API server on REST or CLI, get the authentication token for the server.
For more information, see Creating a CPD bearer token.
Assuming your CPD UI URL is in the format
get the authentication tokens with the following code.
The iam token:
export CPD_URL= export USERNAME=<your login user> export PASSWORD=<your login password> iamtoken=`curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" -d "grant_type=password&username=${USERNAME}&password=${PASSWORD}&scope=openid" ${CPD_URL}/idprovider/v1/auth/identitytoken | jq .access_token | cut -d\" -f2`
The ZenApi key authentication token:
curl -k -X POST -H "cache-control: no-cache" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"username\":\"{username}\",\"api_key\": \"{api_key}\"}" "https://{cpd_cluster_host}/icp4d-api/v1/authorize"
Replace a routine
The following BASIC routine gets the name of a
# ** Jobname = DSGetJobInfo (DSJ.ME,DSJ.JOBNAME)You can obtain the same information by writing a script that uses the REST API and adding it to a Run Bash Script node.
- Obtain parameters such as the project id, the project name, the job id, and the job run id. You
can get these values through CEL expressions:
, or you can do so with the REST API as demonstrated in the following commands. This example assumes the name of your project
Project ID
$ project=`curl --request GET "${CPD_URL}/v2/projects?name=project1" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${bearer_token}" -k -s` $ proj_id=`echo $project | jq -r '.resources|.[0].metadata.guid'`
Job ID
$ joblist=`curl --request GET "${CPD_URL}/v2/jobs?project_id=${proj_id}" --header "Authorization: Bearer ${bearer_token}" -k -s` $ job_id= `echo $joblist | jq -r '.results[].metadata|select(.name=="testjob"?) |.asset_id'`
Run ID
$ runlist=`curl --request GET "${CPD_URL}/v2/jobs/${job_id}/runs?project_id=${proj_id}" --header "Authorization: Bearer ${bearer_token}" -k -s` $ run_id= `echo $runlist|jq -r '.results[]|select(.metadata.description=="Initial run"?) |.metadata.asset_id'`
- Get the metadata for a job run in a specified project. Use the parameters
proj_id, job_id, and run_id defined
by the previous
$ jobrun=`curl --request GET "${CPD_URL}/v2/jobs/${job_id}/runs/${run_id}?job_id=${job_id}&run_id=${run_id}&project_id=${proj_id}" --header "Authorization: Bearer ${bearer_token}"`
- Extract the
$ echo $jobrun|jq -r '.entity.job_run.job_name'
This example uses REST API commands, but
can also be used. It might be
useful to rewrite routines as wrapper functions so they can be reused throughout your scripts. See
Examples for more information and
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