Multiple series charts
Last updated: May 01, 2024
Multiple series charts
Multiple series charts are similar to line charts, with the exception that you can chart multiple variables on the Y-axis.

Creating a simple multiple series chart

  1. In the Chart Type section, click the Multi-series icon.

    The canvas updates to display a multiple series chart template.

  2. Select a variable as the X-axis variable.
  3. Select at least two scale variables as the Y-axis variables.
  4. Click the Save visualization in the project control. Select Create a new asset or Append to existing asset. Provide a Visualization asset name, an optional description, and a chart name.
  5. Click Apply to save the visualization to the project. The new visualization asset is now available on the Assets tab.


Lists variables that are available for the chart's X-axis.
Lists variables that are available for the chart's Y-axes.
Select the chart type (bar, line, or scatter) from the drop-down list.
Click Add another column to include more columns on the chart.
Series style
Provides options for defining the Y-axes orientation. The following options are available.
  • Default
  • Separate Y axes
  • Show a secondary Y axis
  • Dual Y axes
Secondary Y-axis
Lists variables that are available for the chart's secondary Y-axes.
Select the chart type (bar, line, or scatter) from the drop-down list.
Click Add another column to include more columns on the chart.
Normalize data
When enabled, this setting transforms data into a normal distribution compares data from multiple data sets or multiple columns. This setting creates 100% stacking for counts and converts statistics to percents.
When enabled, the chart's data is reordered based on the X and Y axis values.
Show label
When enabled, column labels display on the chart. Only scatter series data is supported.
Label field
The field menu provides variables to display as chart labels.
Legend orient
Sets the chart legend orientation. Available options are Horizontal, Vertical, and Vertical bottom.
Primary title
The chart title.
The chart subtitle.
The chart footnote.
XAxis label
The x-axis label.
YAxis label
The y-axis label.