Dual Y-axes charts

Last updated: Apr 26, 2024
Dual Y-axes charts
A dual Y-axes chart summarizes or plots two Y-axes variables that have different domains. For example, you can plot the number of cases on one axis and the mean salary on another. This chart can also be a mix of different graphic elements so that the dual Y-axes chart encompasses several of the different chart types. Dual Y-axes charts can display the counts as a line and the mean of each category as a bar.

Creating a simple Dual Y-axes chart

  1. In the Chart Type section, click the Dual Y-axes icon.

    The canvas updates to display a Dual Y-axes chart template.

  2. Select a variable as the X-axis variable.
  3. Select variable for the first Y-axis variable and then select a chart type to represent the variable (Bar, Line, or Scatter plot).
  4. Select variable for the second Y-axis variable and then select a chart type to represent the variable (Bar, Line, or Scatter plot).
    Note: You can use the up and down arrow controls to change the Y-axes order.
  5. Click the Save visualization in the project control. Select Create a new asset or Append to existing asset. Provide a Visualization asset name, an optional description, and a chart name.
  6. Click Apply to save the visualization to the project. The new visualization asset is now available on the Assets tab.


Lists variables that are available for the chart's X-axis.
Lists variables that are available for the chart's dual Y-axes.
When enabled, options for selecting the method that is used for summarizing each category are displayed.
Left Y-axis summary
Sets the summary method for the Y-axis that displays on the left side of the chart. Options include Sum, Mean, Maximum, and Minimum.
Right Y-axis summary
Sets the summary method for the Y-axis that displays on the right side of the chart. Options include Sum, Mean, Maximum, and Minimum.
Normalize data
When enabled, data is transformed into a normal distribution, which allows data from multiple data sets or columns to be easily compared.
Second axis lines
When enabled, the chart's second axis line is shown.
When enabled, the chart's data is reordered based on the X and Y axis values.
Legend orient
Sets the chart legend orientation. Available options are Horizontal, Vertical, and Vertical bottom.
Primary title
The chart title.
The chart subtitle.
The chart footnote.
XAxis label
The x-axis label.
YAxis label
The y-axis label.