Dendrogram charts
Last updated: Nov 25, 2024
Dendrogram charts
Dendrogram charts are similar to tree charts and are typically used to illustrate a network structure (for example, a hierarchical structure). Dendrogram charts consist of a root node that is connected to subordinate nodes through edges or branches. The last nodes in the hierarchy are called leaves.

Creating a simple dendrogram chart

  1. In the Chart Type section, click the Dendrogram icon.

    The canvas updates to display a Dendrogram chart template.

  2. Select at least two variables from the Field name list. You can select SELECT ALL to select all available variables. A maximum number 300 variables are recommended.
  3. Click the Save visualization in the project control. Select Create a new asset or Append to existing asset. Provide a Visualization asset name, an optional description, and a chart name.
  4. Click Apply to save the visualization to the project. The new visualization asset is now available on the Assets tab.


Field name
The list provides all available variables that represent the leave nodes. You must select at least two variables.
Show axis
The toggle control enables or disables the display of the distance value axis.
The linkage criterion determines the distance between sets of observations as a function of the pairwise distances between observations. Select Average distance, Min distance, or Max distance.
Tree layout
Left to right
The root node displays on the left and the leaf nodes display on the right.
Right to left
The root node displays on the right and the leaf nodes display on the left.
Top to bottom
The root node displays on the top and the leaf nodes display on the bottom.
Bottom to top
The root node displays on the bottom and the leaf nodes display on the top.
The root node displays in the middle and the leaf nodes radiate from the root.
Primary title
The chart title.
The chart subtitle.
The chart footnote.