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Go Sample Dataset
Economy & Business

Historical customer data for a fictional outdoor equipment store used in Watson Studio tutorials train the machine learning models. This set of Go customer data is derived from the Order Methods, Products, Retailers and Sales dataset of the Go Sales dataset. The sample data is structured in rows and columns, and saved in a .csv file.

Feature datasets and columns

  1. Go product: Information on the ID and quantity of sale items
  • Retailer code
  • Product number
  • Date
  • Quantity: Number of items
  1. Go Daily Sales:
  • Retailer code
  • Product number
  • Order Method Code: Sequential numerical code for order method type
  • Date
  • Quantity: Number of items
  • Unit Price: Regular price of item
  • Unit Sale Price: Sales price of item
  1. Go Methods:
  • Order Method Code: Sequential numerical code for order method type
  • Order Method Type: "Fax", "Telephone", "Mail", "E-mail", "Web", "Sales visit", "Special", "Other"
  1. Go Products:
  • Product number
  • Product line: "Camping Equipment", "Mountaineering Equipment", "Personal Accessories", "Outdoor Protection", "Golf Equipment"
  • Product type:  "Cooking Gear", "Tents", "Sleeping Bags" and more
  • Product: "TrailChef Water Bag", "TrailChef Canteen", "TrailChef Kitchen Kit" and more
  • Product brand: "TrailChef", "Star", "Hibernator" and more
  • Product color: "Clear", "Brown", "Silver" and more
  • Unit cost: Cost to supply unit in shop
  • Unit price: Regular price of item
  1. Go Retailers:
  • Retailer code
  • Retailer name
  • Type: Type of retailer store
  • Country: Retailer store's country of origin
Jun 30, 2020