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Fertility rate by country in total births per woman

The World Development Indicators (WDI) is the statistical benchmark that helps measure the progress of development. The WDI provides a comprehensive overview of development drawing on data from the World Bank and more than 30 partners.

2: Extrapolated assuming the same as previous year
3: Preliminary.
4: Interpolated data assuming linear trend.
5: Break in series.
6: Extrapolated assuming the same as previous year.
7: Interpolated data.
8: Provisional.
9: Extrapolated assuming linear trend.
10: Extrapolated data.
11: Extrapolated assuming the same trend as UN WPP12.
12: Data are from DHS 2009.
13: Interpolated data
14: Extrapolated assuming the same rate of change as the total fertility rate in UN WPP2010.

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