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Ratio (% of population) at national poverty line by country

The World Development Indicators (WDI) is the statistical benchmark that helps measure the progress of development. The WDI provides a comprehensive overview of development drawing on data from the World Bank and more than 30 partners.

1: World Bank estimates National Risk and Vulnerability Assessment 2011-12
2: World Bank Source; Poverty figures are not comparable with previous series due to seasonality and changes in the questionnaires used. National Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Survey 2007-2008.
3: Instat and World Bank (2013). ALBANIA: TRENDS IN POVERTY 2002-2005-2008-2012.
4: World Bank Source; Albania: trends in poverty 2002-2005-2008
5: Source: Angola -Inquérito Integrado sobre o Bem-Estar da População IBEP, 2010. Inquérito Integrado sobre o Bem-Estar da População (IBEP). Not comparable with prior series.
6: Social snapshot and poverty in Armenia, 2014
7: Social snapshot and poverty in Armenia, 2013. Poverty profile and labor market developments in 2008-2012. National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia.
8: Social snapshot and poverty in Armenia, 2012. Poverty profile and Labor Market developments in 2008-2011. National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia.
9: Social snapshot and poverty in Armenia, 2011. Poverty profile and Labor Market developments in 2008-2010. National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia.
10: Social snapshot and poverty in Armenia, 2011. Poverty profile and Labor Market developments in 2008-2010. National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia. Integrated Living Conditions Survey 2009.
11: Social snapshot and poverty in Armenia, 2011. Poverty profile and Labor Market developments in 2008-2010. National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia. Integrated Living Conditions Survey 2008.
12: World Bank Source; Armenia: Poverty Assessment (In Three Volumes) Volume I: A Summary of Findings, Report No: 27192-AM, Nov 2003
13: Statistical yearbook of Azerbaijan, 2013. State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Comparable series since 2001.
14: World Bank Source; Azerbaijan: Living Conditions Assessment Report, Report No. 52801-AZ, March 2010
15: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics Source; HIES 2010; based on the BBS method anchored to HIES (2005) upper poverty lines; inflation adjustment based on HIES data, not CPI.
16: World Bank Source; HIES 1991/92, 1995/96, 2000, and 2005; based on the BBS method anchored to HIES (2005) upper poverty lines deflated to adjust for inflation to generate comparable poverty lines for earlier years.
17: Social conditions and living standards of the population in the Republic of Belarus. National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus.
18: National Source (http://www.belstat.gov.by); incorporated in the IBRD Program Document for the Belarus Development Policy Loan.
19: National Source (http://www.belstat.gov.by); incorporated in the IBRD Program Document for the Belarus Development Policy Loan (P117681).
20: National Source (http://www.belstat.gov.by); incorporated in the IBRD Program Document for the Belarus Development Policy Loan (P117681). Household Sample Survey 2008 - World Bank ECAPOV Standardized Datasets.
21: National Source (http://www.belstat.gov.by); incorporated in the IBRD Program Document for the Belarus Development Policy Loan (P117681). Household Sample Survey 2007 - World Bank ECAPOV Standardized Datasets.
22: National Source (http://www.belstat.gov.by); incorporated in the IBRD Program Document for the Belarus Development Policy Loan (P117681). Household Sample Survey 2006 - World Bank ECAPOV Standardized Datasets.
23: National Source (http://www.belstat.gov.by); incorporated in the IBRD Program Document for the Belarus Development Policy Loan (P117681). Household Sample Survey 2005 - World Bank ECAPOV Standardized Datasets.
24: National Source (http://www.belstat.gov.by); incorporated in the IBRD Program Document for the Belarus Development Policy Loan (P117681)
25: Enquete Modulaire Integree sur les Conditions de Vie des Menages 2ème Édition (EMICov 2011). Comparable series since 2006.
26: Enquête Modulaire Intégrée sur les Conditions de Vie des Ménages (EMICoV). Comparable series since 2006.
27: Enquête Modulaire Intégrée sur les Conditions de Vie des Ménages (EMICoV). Not comparable with prior series.
28: Source: National Source. Bhutan Poverty Analysis 2012. National Statistics Bureau Royal Government of Bhutan and the World Bank. Bhutan Living Standards Survey (BLSS) 2012. Comparable with the 2007 estimates.
29: National Source; estimates for 2003 and 2007 are not comparable. Poverty Analysis Report 2007. National Statistics Bureau Royal Government of Bhutan (December 2007) and Poverty and Inequality in Bhutan (2004).
30: National Source (www.udape.gov.bo) Encuesta Continua de Hogares- MECOVI; Moderate Poverty Line (individuals)
31: National Source (www.ine.gov.bo and www.udape.gov.bo) Encuesta Continua de Hogares- MECOVI; Moderate Poverty Line (individuals)
32: National Source (www.udape.gov.bo) Encuesta Continua de Hogares- MECOVI; Moderate Poverty Line (individuals). This survey was carried out from 2003 to 2004. The official poverty rates are considered for both years.
33: Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Relative poverty line (poverty threshold) is set to the amount of 60% of the median equivalised household consumption expenditure. Household Budget Survey (HBS) 2011 http://www.bhas.ba/saopsten
34: Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Relative poverty line (poverty threshold) is set to the amount of 60% of the median equivalised household consumption expenditure. Household Budget Survey (HBS) 2007 http://www.bhas.ba/ankete/h
35: Botswana Core Welfare Indicators Survey 2009/10 Botswana Core Welfare Indicators Survey (BCWIS). Comparable series since 1986.
36: Central Statistics office: Poverty Datum Line for Botswana 2003. Comparable series since 1986.
37: Central Statistics office. Comparable series since 1985.
38: National Source (www.ipeadata.gov.br)
39: Brazil does not have an official poverty line. In recent years, the R$70 and R$140 per capita per month (of June 2011), which are administrative poverty lines defined for the Bolsa Familia program and the Brasil Sem Miseria plan, have been incr
40: EUROSTAT, At risk of poverty rate (cut-off point: 60% of median equivalised income after social transfers), reported year is income reference year.
41: EUROSTAT, At risk of poverty rate (cut-off point: 60% of median equivalised income after social transfers), reported year is income reference year. European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) At risk of poverty rate (cut
42: EUROSTAT, At risk of poverty rate (cut-off point: 60% of median equivalised income after social transfers), reported year is income reference year. European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC)
43: Report No.: 69116-BF Burkina Faso Poverty Trends and Profile 2003-2009: A Policy Note 1 (June 2013). Comparable with the 2003 estimates.
44: Report No.: 69116-BF Burkina Faso Poverty Trends and Profile 2003-2009: A Policy Note 1 (June 2013). Comparable series since 2003.
45: Republic of Burundi: Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper: PRSP First Annual Progress Report. IMF Country Report No. 07/46. Not comparable with prior estimates.
46: WB estimates based on Cambodia Socio-Economic Survey 2012. The numbers are not final yet.
47: WB Staff estimates. Cambodia Poverty Assessment 2013 Where Have All The Poor Gone?"
48: WB Staff estimates. Cambodia Poverty Assessment 2013 Where Have All The Poor Gone?"
49: WB Staff estimates. Cambodia Poverty Assessment 2013 Where Have All The Poor Gone?"
50: WB Staff estimates. Cambodia Poverty Assessment 2013 Where Have All The Poor Gone?"
51: WB Staff estimates. Cambodia Poverty Assessment 2013 Where Have All The Poor Gone?"
52: WB Staff estimates. Cambodia Poverty Assessment 2013 Where Have All The Poor Gone?"
53: Institut National de la Statistique: Tendances, profil et déterminants de la pauvreté au Cameroun entre 2001-2007. Comparable series since 1996.
54: Instituto Nacional de Estatistica Cabo Verde: Questionário Unifacado de Indicadores Básicos de Bem-Estar QUIBB - CV, 2006. Questionário Unificado de Indicadores Básicos de Bem-Estar (QUIBB). Not comparable with prior series.
55: CAR2008 Rapport ECASEB et Profil 2008 pagine tabulé finalysé. Not comparable with prior series.
56: Source: Dynamics of Poverty and Inequality following the Rise of the Oil Sector (World Bank Poverty assessment). Enquête sur la Consommation et le Secteur Informel au Tchad. Comparable with the 2003 estimates.
57: Source: Dynamics of Poverty and Inequality following the Rise of the Oil Sector (Poverty assessment). Enquête sur la Consommation et le Secteur informel au Tchad 2002 (ECOSIT II). Not comparable with prior series.
58: National Source (www.mideplan.cl) Encuesta de Caracterización Socioeconómica Nacional; Moderate Poverty Line (individuals).
59: National Source.
60: National Source (www.dane.gov.co)
61: National Source (www.dane.gov.co) Gran Encuesta Continua de Hogares; Moderate Poverty Line (individuals)
62: National Source (www.dnp.gov.co) Gran Encuesta Continua de Hogares; Moderate Poverty Line (individuals)
63: National Source (www.dnp.gov.co) Encuesta Continua de Hogares; Moderate Poverty Line (individuals)
64: Pauvreté, inégalité et marché du travail dans l’Union des Comores: Eléments d’analyse fondés sur l’Enquête intégrale auprès des ménages de 2004. Not comparable with prior series.
65: (a) DEUXIEME ENQUETE CONGOLAISE AUPRES DES MENAGES POUR SUIVI ET L"EVALUATION DE LA PAUVRETE (ECON 2011): EXTRAIT DU PROFIL DE LA PAUVRETE AU CONGO EN 2011. Deuxieme Enquête Congolaise auprès des ménages pour l"évaluation de la pauvreté (ECOM II).
67: National Source (www.inec.go.cr)
68: National Source (www.inec.go.cr) ENAHO; Moderate Poverty Line (households)
69: World Bank: Poverty Assessment 2010. Comparable series since 1985.
70: EUROSTAT, At risk of poverty rate (cut-off point: 60% of median equivalised income after social transfers), reported year is income reference year. European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) http://appsso.eurostat.ec.eu
71: Poverty Assessment.
72: National Source (Oficina Nacional de Estadistica) Encuesta Nacional de Fuerza de Trabajo; April and October average; Moderate Poverty Line (individuals)
73: INEC (http://www.ecuadorencifras.gob.ec/pobreza/).
74: Sistema de Indicadores sociales del Ecuador - Ministerio Coordinador de Desarrollo Social (http://www.siise.gob.ec/siiseweb/siiseweb.html?sistema=1#)
75: Sistema integrado de indicadores sociales de Ecuador.
76: National Source (www.inec.gov.ec) ENEMDU, Income Poverty; Dec data; Moderate Poverty Line (individuals)
77: Sistema de Indicadores sociales del Ecuador - Ministerio Coordinador de Desarrollo Social
78: Sistema de Indicadores sociales del Ecuador - Ministerio Coordinador de Desarrollo Social (http://www.siise.gob.ec/siiseweb/siiseweb.html?sistema=1#). Encuesta Urbana de Empleo y Desempleo - INEC.
79: Central Agency for Public Mobilization And Support (CAPMAS), Egypt
80: National Source (www.digestyc.gob.sv) Encuesta de Hogares de Propósitos Múltiples; Moderate Poverty Line (households)
81: Kazakhstan PA 2012 & official poverty tables published by the authority. Household Budget Survey 2006 - World Bank ECAPOV Standardized Datasets.
82: Eritrea Poverty Assessment.
83: EUROSTAT, At risk of poverty rate (cut-off point: 60% of median equivalised income after social transfers), reported year is income reference year. European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC).
84: Ethiopia’s Progress Towards Eradicating Poverty: An Interim Report on Poverty Analysis Study (2010/11). Comparable series since 1995.
85: Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MoFED): Ethiopia: Building on Progress, A Plan for Accelerated and Sustained Development to End Poverty (PASDEP), Volume I: Main Text. Comparable series since 1995.
86: WB Staff estimates. Report No. 63842-FJ, Sept 2011. Poverty Trends
87: Gabon: Diagnostique de la Pauvrete and Enquête Gabonaise sur l’évaluation et le suivi de la pauvreté from 2005
88: Integrated Household Survey Income and Expenditure Poverty Assessment-2010 Integrated Household Survey (HIS) II
89: Georgia Poverty Note. Poverty and Inequality Two Years after the crisis Georgia Household Budget Survey.
90: Georgia Poverty Update. Recovery from the global economic crisis. 2012. Georgia Household Budget Survey.
91: Poverty Profile in Ghana (2005-2013).
92: National Source (www.ine.gob.gt) Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Vida; Moderate Poverty Line (individuals)
94: Direction Nationale de la Statistique: Enquête intégrale sur le budget et l"évaluation de la pauvreté (EIBEP QUIBB 2002-2003) Rapport Final. Enquête intégrale sur le budget et l"évaluation de la pauvreté (EIBEP).
95: Inquérito Ligeiro para Avaliação da Pobreza (ILAP2): Resultados definitivos. Comparable series since 1994.
96: Avaliação da Pobreza na Guiné-Bissau. Comparable series since 1994.
97: National official poverty line developed in 2012. Rates based on consumption agregate. Rates are official and have been launched on may 13 2014, but have not been uploaded in the government websites as of yet.
98: National Source. INE. Encuesta Permanente de Hogares de Propósitos Múltiples; Moderate Poverty Line (households). These numbers were obtained from a CD shared by INE
99: National Source (www.ine-hn.org) Encuesta Permanente de Hogares de Propósitos Múltiples; Moderate Poverty Line (households)
100: Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011-12. Government of India, Planning Commision. July 2013. Estimates based on Tendulkar Methodology, using Mixed Reference Period. WB staff estimates of poverty gap. Large Sample Survey of Household Consumer Expenditure (68th round). Comparable series since 1994.
101: Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2009-10. Government of India, Planning Commision. March 2012. Estimates based on Tendulkar Methodology. WB staff estimates of poverty gap. Comparable series since 1994.
102: Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011-12. Government of India, Planning Commision. July 2013. Estimates based on Tendulkar Methodology, using Mixed Reference Period. Large Sample Survey of Household Consumer Expenditure (61th round). Comparable series since 1994.
103: Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011-12. Government of India, Planning Commision. July 2013. Estimates based on Tendulkar Methodology, using Mixed Reference Period. Large Sample Survey of Household Consumer Expenditure (50th round). Comparable series since 1994.
104: National Source (http://dds.bps.go.id/eng/); Based on SUSENAS using GSO expenditure poverty line
105: National Source (http://dds.bps.go.id/eng/); Based on SUSENAS using GSO expenditure poverty line Susenas 2013.
106: National Source (http://dds.bps.go.id/eng/); Based on SUSENAS using GSO expenditure poverty line.
107: "National source: Ministry of planing of Iraq.
108: World Bank, Iraq Poverty Assesment. Official publication is not updated and contains outdated poverty numbers.
109: National Source (www.pioj.gov.jm) Jamaica Survey of Living Conditions; Moderate Poverty Line (individuals).
110: Jordan Poverty Reduction Strategy. Final Report, 2013
111: "The Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan Logo of the Committee on Statistics
Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Committee on Statistics"
112: Kazakhstan PA 2012 & official poverty tables published by the authority.
113: Kazakhstan PA 2012 & official poverty tables published by the authority. Household Budget Survey 2008 - World Bank ECAPOV Standardized Datasets.
114: Kazakhstan PA 2012 & official poverty tables published by the authority. Household Budget Survey 2007.
115: Kazakhstan PA 2012 & official poverty tables published by the authority. Household Budget Survey 2005 - World Bank ECAPOV Standardized Datasets.
116: Kazakhstan PA 2012 & official poverty tables published by the authority. Household Budget Survey 2004 - World Bank ECAPOV Standardized Datasets.
117: Kazakhstan PA 2012 & official poverty tables published by the authority. Household Budget Survey 2003.
118: Official poverty tables published by the authority. Household Budget Survey 2002 - World Bank ECAPOV Standardized Datasets.
119: Kazakhstan PA 2012 & official poverty tables published by the authority. Household Budget Survey 2001 - World Bank ECAPOV Standardized Datasets.
120: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics: Basic report on Well-being in Kenya. Not comparable with prior series.
121: National Statistical Committee.
122: National Statistical Committee (2011) Living standards of the populaion in the Kyrgyz Republic 2008-2012.
123: National Statistical Committee (2011) Living standards of the populaion in the Kyrgyz Republic 2006-2010. Kyrgyz Integrated Household Survey 2009 - World Bank ECAPOV Standardized Datasets
124: National Statistical Committee (2011) Living standards of the populaion in the Kyrgyz Republic 2006-2010. Kyrgyz Integrated Household Survey 2008 - World Bank ECAPOV Standardized Datasets
125: National Statistical Committee (2011) Living standards of the populaion in the Kyrgyz Republic 2006-2010. Kyrgyz Integrated Household Survey 2007 - World Bank ECAPOV Standardized Datasets
126: National Statistical Committee (2011) Living standards of the populaion in the Kyrgyz Republic 2006-2010. Kyrgyz Integrated Household Survey 2006 - World Bank ECAPOV Standardized Datasets
127: WB estimates based on Expenditure and Consumption Survey 2012-2013 (LECS V).
128: Poverty in Lao PDR 2008, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Department of Statistics, 2010
129: UNDP (2008). Poverty, Growth and Income Distribution in Lebanon. (http://www.socialaffairs.gov.lb/docs/pubs/PCID.pdf)
130: World Bank: Poverty Assessment
131: World Bank: Sharing Growth by Reducing Inequality and Vulnerability: Choices for Change, A Poverty, Gender, and Social Assessment
132: World Bank: Sharing Growth by Reducing Inequality and Vulnerability: Choices for Change, A Poverty, Gender, and Social Assessment. Not comparable with prior series.
133: The World Bank
134: Source: Madagascar Poverty, Gender and Inequality Assessment. Enquêtes Périodiques auprès des Ménages (EPM). Comparable with the 2005 estimates.
135: Source: Madagascar Poverty, Gender and Inequality Assessment. Enquêtes Périodiques auprès des Ménages (EPM). Comparable with the 2001 estimates.
136: "Madagascar
Poverty, Gender and Inequality Assessment"
138: PMS policy brief No. 2 (revised) The state of Malawi’s poor: The incidence, depth, and severity of poverty. Not comparable with prior series.
139: National Source: Household Income Survey 2012. Department of Statistics Malaysia. http://www.statistics.gov.my/portal/images/stories/files/LatestReleases/household/HIS_2012_Eng.pdf
140: National Source: Household Income Surveys (http://www.epu.gov.my/en/household-income-poverty).
142: Profil de la Pauvrete en Mauritanie 2008. Comparable series since 2000.
143: Profil de la Pauvrete en Mauritanie 2004. Comparable series since 2000.
145: National Source (http://www.coneval.gob.mx/Medicion/Paginas/Evolucion-de-las-dimensiones-de-la-pobreza-1990-2010-.aspx) Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares; Moderate Poverty Line (individuals)
146: National Source (www.coneval.gob.mx/Programas) Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares; Moderate Poverty Line (individuals)
147: National source: Household Socio-economic Survey 2012, National Statistical Office of Mongolia (NSO). A comparable series of Mongolia"s poverty 2010-2012 was announced by the NSO in May 2013, which replaced the poverty numbers for 2010 and 2011 published in 2012. The new series is not comparable with previously released series. The poverty headcount rates published by the NSO for years prior to 2010 were based on different poverty lines, and the earlier consumption aggregates do not include imputed value of free fuels.
148: National source: Household Socio-economic Survey 2011, National Statistical Office of Mongolia (NSO). A comparable series of Mongolia"s poverty 2010-2012 was announced by the NSO in May 2013, which replaced the poverty numbers for 2010 and 2011 published in 2012. The new series is not comparable with previously released series. The poverty headcount rates published by the NSO for years prior to 2010 were based on different poverty lines, and the earlier consumption aggregates do not include imputed value of free fuels.
149: National source: Household Socio-economic Survey 2010, National Statistical Office of Mongolia (NSO). A comparable series of Mongolia"s poverty 2010-2012 was announced by the NSO in May 2013, which replaced the poverty numbers for 2010 and 2011 published in 2012. The new series is not comparable with previously released series. The poverty headcount rates published by the NSO for years prior to 2010 were based on different poverty lines, and the earlier consumption aggregates do not include imputed value of free fuels.
150: National source. http://www.monstat.org/userfiles/file/analiza%20siromastva/ENGLESKI-%20ANALIZA%20SIROMA%C5%A0TVA%20U%20CRNOJ%20GORI%20U%202012___.pdf; http://www.monstat.org/eng/page.php?id=73&pageid=73
151: National Source. POVERTY ANALYSIS IN MONTENEGRO IN 2011. www.monstat.org
153: National Source; Poverty Analysis in Montenegro in 2008, Dec 2009
154: National Source; Poverty Analysis in Montenegro in 2007, July 2009
155: "Royaume du Maroc Haut-Commissariat au Plan.
Dynamiques de la pauvreté au Maroc.
156: "Royaume du Maroc Haut-Commissariat au Plan.
Dynamiques de la pauvreté au Maroc.
(http://www.hcp.ma/file/111923/) Enquete Nationale sur la Consommation et les Dépense des Ménages 2000-2001"
157: Instituto Nacional de Estatística: Inquérito Sobre Orçamento Familiar, 2008/09. Comparable series since 1996.
158: Poverty and Well-being in Mozambique – The Second National Assessment (2002-2003). Comparable series since 1996.
159: Poverty and Wellbeing in Mozambique. Comparable series since 1996.
160: Poverty Dynamics Report in Namibia: A comparative study using the 1993/04, 2003/04 and the 2009/10 NHIES surveys
161: National Source; Poverty in Nepal, Nepal Living Standards Survey (NLSS-III, 2010-11), Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS).
162: National Source (INIDE) Encuesta Nacional de Hogares sobre Medición de Nivel de Vida; Moderate Poverty Line (individuals)
163: National Bureau of Statistics. Comparable with the 2004 estimates.
164: National Bureau of Statistics. Not comparable with prior series.
165: National Source; Pakistan Economic Survey 2007-08 for Pakistan 1998-99 – 2005-06
166: Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas
167: "Papua New Guinea Poverty Profile.
Based on the 2009/10 Household Income
and Expenditure Survey
Draft Technical Report; June 2012"
168: World Bank Source; staff estimates
169: National Source (www.dgeec.gov.py) Encuesta Permanente de Hogares; Moderate Poverty Line (individuals)
170: National Source (www.dgeec.gov.py) Encuesta Permanente de Hogares; Moderate Poverty Line (individuals). Preliminary figures.
171: National Source (www.inei.gob.pe) Encuesta Nacional de Hogares 3; Moderate Poverty Line (individuals); Estimates based on new methodology since 2004; Not comparable with prior series
172: National Source (www.inei.gob.pe) Encuesta Nacional de Hogares 3; Moderate Poverty Line (individuals); Not comparable with the estimates of 2004 and onwards
173: National Source (www.inei.gob.pe) Encuesta Nacional de Hogares 2; Moderate Poverty Line (individuals); Not comparable with the estimates of 2004 and onwards
174: National Source: http://www.nscb.gov.ph/poverty/dataCharts.asp
175: National Source (www.nscb.gov.ph); all estimates for 2003, 2006 and 2009 comparable across time.
176: National Source (www.nscb.gov.ph); all estimates for 2003, 2006 and 2009 comparable across time
177: World Bank Source; Poland: Growth, Employment and Living Standards in Pre-Accession Poland, Report No. 28233-POL, Mar 2004
178: Information note - poverty in Moldova in 2013 (in Romanian)
179: Saracia Republica Moldova 2012.
180: Moldova: The Consequences of Several Shocks for Consumption and Poverty, Report No. 49019-MD
181: World Bank Source; Moldova: Poverty Update, Report No. 35618-MD, June 2006
182: Federal State Statistics Service.
183: National source; National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda; The evolution of poverty in Rwanda from 2000 to 2011. Comparable series since 2006.
184: National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda. Comparable series since 2006.
185: Source: Poverty assessment. Inquérito aos Orçamentos Familiares (IOF). Not comparable with prior series.
186: Comparable series since 2001.
187: World Bank: Data file (ESPS2005DEPENSES.dta). Comparable series since 2001.
188: Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, At risk of poverty rate (cut-off point: 60% of median equivalised income after social transfers), reported year is income reference year. European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (E
189: Household Budget Survey, 2006/2007
190: Source: Poverty assessment. Sierra Leone Integrated Household Survey (SLIHS). Comparable with the 2003 estimates.
191: Source: Poverty assessment. Sierra Leone Integrated Household Survey (SLIHS). Not comparable with prior series.
193: Poverty Trends in South Africa: An examination of absolute poverty between 2006 and 2011. Estimates are based on Income and Expenditure Survey (IES) 2010-2011.
194: Poverty Trends in South Africa: An examination of absolute poverty between 2006 and 2011. Estimates are based on Income and Expenditure Survey (IES) 2005-2006.
195: A Poverty Profile for the Southern States of Sudan
196: Poverty Headcount Ratio Brief: Decomposition of Consumption Poverty Department of Census and Statistics, April 29, 2014 Household Income and Expenditure Survey. The official statistics also include a headcount ratio for the estate sector, which consists mainly of tea plantations and is distinguished from the rural sector. The headcount ratio for the estate sector is 10.9%.
197: National Source; Poverty Indicators - Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2009/10 by Department of Census and Statistics. Ministry of Finance and Planning. ISSN 1391-4696 (May 2011). The official statistics also include a headcount ratio for the estate sector, which consists mainly of tea plantations and is distinguished from the rural sector. The headcount ratio for the estate sector is 11.4%.
198: National Source; Poverty Indicators - Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2006/07 by Department of Census and Statistics. Ministry of Finance and Planning. ISSN 1391-4695 (March 2008). The official statistics also include a headcount ratio for the estate sector, which consists mainly of tea plantations and is distinguished from the rural sector. The headcount ratio for the estate sector is 32%.
199: National Source; Poverty Indicators - Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2006/07 by Department of Census and Statistics. Ministry of Finance and Planning. ISSN 1391-4695 (March 2008). The official statistics also include a headcount ratio for the estate sector, which consists mainly of tea plantations and is distinguished from the rural sector. The headcount ratio for the estate sector is 30%.
200: National Source; Poverty Indicators - Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2006/07 by Department of Census and Statistics. Ministry of Finance and Planning. ISSN 1391-4695 (March 2008). The official statistics also include a headcount ratio for the estate sector, which consists mainly of tea plantations and is distinguished from the rural sector. The headcount ratio for the estate sector is 38.4%.
201: National Source; Poverty Indicators - Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2006/07 by Department of Census and Statistics. Ministry of Finance and Planning. ISSN 1391-4695 (March 2008)
202: "Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (2012).
Living Standards in the Palestinian Territory Expenditure, Consumption, Poverty, 2011.
203: "Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (2011).
Poverty in The Palestinian Territory, Main Findings 2009-2010. (http://www.pcbs.gov.ps/Portals/_PCBS/Downloads/book1789.pdf)"
204: "Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (2011).
Poverty in The Palestinian Territory, Main Findings 2009-2010. (http://www.pcbs.gov.ps/Portals/_PCBS/Downloads/book1789.pdf) Expenditure and Consumption Survey 2009"
205: National Source (www.pcbs.gov.ps/Portals/_pcbs/PressRelease/poor2009_E.pdf); The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics Press Release, Oct 26, 2010
206: "Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (2007).
Poverty in The Palestinian Territory, Main Findings 2006. (http://www.pcbs.gov.ps/Portals/_PCBS/Downloads/book1382.pdf) Total poverty for the country is higher than in urban and rural areas because of Gaza strip which is a separate strata. This is relevant for all years."
207: "Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (2006).
Poverty in The Palestinian Territory, Main Findings 2005. (http://www.pcbs.gov.ps/Portals/_PCBS/Downloads/book1248.pdf)"
208: Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (2004). Poverty Survey in The Palestinian Territory 2003 , Main Findings Report. (http://www.pcbs.gov.ps/Portals/_PCBS/Downloads/book1057.pdf)
209: A Poverty Profile for the Northern States of Sudan
210: Poverty in a decade of slow growth: Swaziland in the 2000’s. Comparable series since 2001.
211: Swaziland Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2000-01. Comparable series since 2001.
212: "Khalid Abu-Ismail, Ali Abdel-Gadir and Heba El-Laithy (2011) Poverty and Inequality in Syria (1997-
2007) Arab Development Challenges Report Background Paper 2011/15.
213: Government of Syria and UNDP. Poverty in Syria 1996 - 2004. (http://www.cbssyr.sy/Poverty%20in%20syria%20EN.htm)
214: Information Brief on poverty in Tajikistan prepared by Joost de Laat.
215: World Bank (2009). Republic of Tajikistan Poverty Assessment Report No. 51341-TJ.
216: Tajikistan PA 2012 - Input Tajikistan ER
217: National Source. Thailand Socio-economic Survey 2012. Household Social Economic Survey 2012.
218: Thailand Socio-Economic Survey 2011
219: National Source; Office of National Economic and Social Development Board; Calculated from Thailand Household Socio-Economic Survey 2010. The entire series is updated based on revised national poverty line in 2013, and thus, cannot be compared with series published in previous editions of the database.
220: National Source; Office of National Economic and Social Development Board; Calculated from Thailand Household Socio-Economic Survey 2009. The entire series is updated based on revised national poverty line in 2013, and thus, cannot be compared with series published in previous editions of the database.
221: National Source; Office of National Economic and Social Development Board; Calculated from Thailand Household Socio-Economic Survey 2008. The entire series is updated based on revised national poverty line in 2013, and thus, cannot be compared with series published in previous editions of the database.
222: National Source; Office of National Economic and Social Development Board; Calculated from Thailand Household Socio-Economic Survey 2007. The entire series is updated based on revised national poverty line in 2013, and thus, cannot be compared with series published in previous editions of the database.
223: National Source; Office of National Economic and Social Development Board; Calculated from Thailand Household Socio-Economic Survey 2006. The entire series is updated based on revised national poverty line in 2013, and thus, cannot be compared with series published in previous editions of the database.
224: National Source; Office of National Economic and Social Development Board; Calculated from Thailand Household Socio-Economic Survey 2004. The entire series is updated based on revised national poverty line in 2013, and thus, cannot be compared with series published in previous editions of the database.
225: National Source; Office of National Economic and Social Development Board; Calculated from Thailand Household Socio-Economic Survey 2002. The entire series is updated based on revised national poverty line in 2013, and thus, cannot be compared with series published in previous editions of the database.
226: National Source; Office of National Economic and Social Development Board; Calculated from Thailand Household Socio-Economic Survey 2000. The entire series is updated based on revised national poverty line in 2013, and thus, cannot be compared with series published in previous editions of the database.
227: National Source; Office of National Economic and Social Development Board; Calculated from Thailand Household Socio-Economic Survey 1998. The entire series is updated based on revised national poverty line in 2013, and thus, cannot be compared with series published in previous editions of the database.
228: National Source; Office of National Economic and Social Development Board; Calculated from Thailand Household Socio-Economic Survey 1996. The entire series is updated based on revised national poverty line in 2013, and thus, cannot be compared with series published in previous editions of the database.
229: National Source; Office of National Economic and Social Development Board; Calculated from Thailand Household Socio-Economic Survey 1994. The entire series is updated based on revised national poverty line in 2013, and thus, cannot be compared with series published in previous editions of the database.
230: National Source; Office of National Economic and Social Development Board; Calculated from Thailand Household Socio-Economic Survey 1992. The entire series is updated based on revised national poverty line in 2013, and thus, cannot be compared with series published in previous editions of the database.
231: National Source; Office of National Economic and Social Development Board; Calculated from Thailand Household Socio-Economic Survey 1990. The entire series is updated based on revised national poverty line in 2013, and thus, cannot be compared with series published in previous editions of the database.
232: State Statistical Office, At risk of poverty rate (cut-off point: 60% of median equivalised income after social transfers), reported year is income reference year. European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) http://www.s
233: World Bank and National Source; Ministry of Finance, Directorate of National Statistics; Timor-Leste Living Standards Survey 2007; Timor-Leste - Poverty in a young nation.""
234: World Bank and National Source; Ministry of Finance, Directorate of National Statistics; Timor-Leste Living Standards Survey 2001; Timor-Leste - Poverty in a young nation.""
235: Comparable series since 2006.
236: Profil de la pauvreté et de la vulnérabilité au Togo. Comparable series since 2006.
237: National Institute of Statistics (2012). Measuring poverty, inequality and polarization in Tunisia 2000-2010.
238: National Institute of Statistics (2012). Measuring poverty, inequality and polarization in Tunisia 2000-2010. Submitted by MNA
239: TurkStat Household Income Consumption Expenditure Survey (HICE) http://www.turkstat.gov.tr/PreHaberBultenleri.do?id=10952
243: State Statistics Service of Ukraine.
244: State Statistics Service of Ukraine (2013). Poverty Measurement in Ukraine: Criteria, Challenges and Prospects. (http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/stats/documents/ece/ces/ge.15/2013/WP_12_Ukraine_D_En.pdf) Welfare measure is scaled for adult equivalent, and thus not comparable with 2006 and prior.
245: National announcement from the Statistics office to the Press. Not comparable with prior series.
246: National Source (www.ine.gub.uy) Urban rates only consider Montevideo and cities with more than 5.000 inhabitants.
247: Living standards improvement strategy in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2013-2015.
248: National Source (www.ine.gov.ve) Encuesta de Hogares Por Muestreo; Moderate Poverty Line (individuals)
249: GSO Publication, Poverty and Migration Profile 2012.
250: World Bank and National Source; VHLSS 2010 data, based on the 2010 revised WB/GSO expenditure poverty line, and thus, not comparable with the prior series. An alternative poverty headcount used by the goverment is 14.2, which is based on the official MOLISA poverty lines (revised every 5 years for the SEDP) and a "bottom up" system using community level poverty counts aggregated up district, province and national levels.
251: World Bank and National Source; The Government of Yemen, The World Bank and the UNDP, 2007. Yemen Poverty Assessment, Volume 1
252: LIVING CONDITIONS MONITORING SURVEY REPORT 2006 and 2010. Not comparable with prior series.
253: Source: Poverty and Poverty Datum Line Analysis in Zimbabwe 2011/12. Poverty Income and Expenditure Survey. Not comparable with prior series.

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