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External debt stocks, total (DOD, current US$) by country
Economy & Business

The World Development Indicators (WDI) is the statistical benchmark that helps measure the progress of development. The WDI provides a comprehensive overview of development drawing on data from the World Bank and more than 30 partners.

2: Data include the effects of MDRI and HIPC debt relief.
3: Data include the effects of Enhanced HIPC Initiative.
4: Data include the effects of the 2006 Paris Club rescheduling.
5: Data include the effects of Bond restructuring in June 2005.
6: Data include the effects of MDRI.
7: Data include the effects of MDRI and HIPC debt relief, and Paris Club debt restructuring agreement.
8: Data include the effects of MDRI and the Paris Club debt restructuring agreements.
9: Data include the effects of MDRI and HIPC debt relief, and Paris Club debt restructuring agreements.
10: Data include the effects of Enhanced HIPC Initiative, and Paris Club debt restructuring agreement.
11: Data include the effects of Enhanced HIPC Initiative and Paris Club debt restructuring agreement.
12: Data include the effects of Enhanced HIPC Initiative and London Club debt restructuring agreement.
13: Data include the effects of Paris Club debt restructuring agreements.
14: Data include the effects of Paris Club debt restructuring agreement.
15: Data include the effects of Paris Club debt buyback agreement.
16: Data include the effects of a Paris Club debt restructuring agreement.
17: Data include the effects of a Tsunami-related Paris Club debt restructuring agreement.
18: Data include the effects of Paris Club rescheduling agreement.
19: Debt outstanding as of end-1993 reflects only loans used directly by Macedonian beneficiaries.
20: Data include the effects of MDRI and Paris Club debt restructuring agreement.
21: Adjustments in the stock of debt in 2009 are mainly due to repurchased of $23 billions. PIDIREGAS bonds in 2007 and 2008 were not accounted by the Government until 2009.
22: Data for 1998 are World Bank staff estimates.
23: Data for 1997 are World Bank staff estimates.
24: Data for 1996 are World Bank staff estimates.
25: Data for 1995 are World Bank staff estimates.
26: Data for 1994 are World Bank staff estimates.
27: Data for 1993 are World Bank staff estimates.
28: Data for 1992 are World Bank staff estimates.
29: Data include Bond prepayment and prepayment to Paris Club creditors.
30: Beginning 2006 the DRS data for Serbia exclude Montenegro.
31: Data include the effects of MDRI and HIPC debt relief and Paris Club debt restructuring agreement.

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