This data set is an Exel file (.xls) and is used in the The Nurse Assignment Problem notebook to build a Decision Optimization model, and get its solution by solving the model with IBM Decision Optimization on Cloud. This is a simulated data set.
The input data consists of several tables:
- The Departments table lists all departments in the scope of the assignment.
- The Skills table lists all available nursing skills.
- The Shifts table lists all shifts to be staffed. A shift contains a department, a day in the week, plus the start and end times.
- The Nurses table lists all nurses, identified by their names.
- The NurseSkills table gives the skills of each nurse.
- The SkillRequirements table lists the minimum number of persons required for a given department and skill.
- The NurseVacations table lists days off for each nurse.
- The NurseAssociations table lists pairs of nurses who wish to work together.
- The NurseIncompatibilities table lists pairs of nurses who do not want to work together.