Troubleshooting Cloud Object Storage for projects

Last updated: Jan 21, 2025
Troubleshooting Cloud Object Storage for projects

Use these solutions to resolve issues you might experience when using Cloud Object Storage with projects in Cloud Pak for Data as a Service. Many errors that occur when creating projects can be resolved by correctly configuring Cloud Object Storage. For instructions, see Setting up Cloud Object Storage.

Possible error messages:

Cannot retrieve API key


When you create a project, the following error occurs:

Error retrieving Administrator API key token for your Cloud Object Storage instance

Possible Causes

  • You have not been assigned the Editor role in the IBM Cloud account.

Possible Resolutions

The account administrator must complete the following tasks:

Unable to configure credentials


When you create a project and associate it to a Cloud Object Storage instance, the following error occurs:

Unable to configure credentials for your project in the selected Cloud Object Storage instance.

Possible Causes

  • You have exceeded the access policy limit for the account.

Possible Resolutions

For exceeding access policies:

  1. Verify that you are the owner of the Cloud Object Storage instance or that the owner has granted you Administrator and Manager roles for this service instance. Otherwise, ask your IBM Cloud administrator to fix this problem.
  2. Check the total number of access policies to determine whether you have reached a limit. See IBM Cloud IAM limits for the limit information.
  3. Delete at least 4 or more unused access policies for the service ID.

See Reducing time and effort managing access for strategies that you can use to ensure that you don't reach the limit.

Login not permitted from IP address


When you create or work with a project, the following error occurs:

User login from given IP address is not permitted. The user has configured IP address restriction for login. The given IP address 'XX.XXX.XXX.XX' is not contained in the list of allowed IP addresses.

Possible Causes

Restrict IP address access has been configured to allow specific IP addresses access to Studio. The IP address of the computer you are using is not allowed.

Possible Resolutions

Add the IP address to the allowed IP addresses, if your security qualifications allow it. See Allow specific IP addresses.

Project cannot be created


When you create a project, the following error occurs:

Project cannot be created.

Possible Causes

The Cloud Object Storage instance is not available, due to the Global location is not enabled for your services. Cloud Object Storage requires the Global location.

Possible Resolutions

Enable the Global location in your account profile. From your account, click your avatar and select Profile and settings to open your Cloud Pak for Data as a Service profile. Under Service Filters > Locations, check the Global location as well as other locations where services are present. See Manage your profile.