Key management by application
Last updated: Jan 12, 2024
This topic describes how to manage column encryption keys by application. It explains how to provide master keys and how to write and read encrypted data using these master keys.
Providing master keys
To provide master keys:
Pass the explicit master keys, in the following format:
parameter name: "encryption.key.list" parameter value: "<master key ID>:<master key (base64)> , <master key ID>:<master key (base64)>.."
For example:
sc.hadoopConfiguration.set("encryption.key.list" , "k1:iKwfmI5rDf7HwVBcqeNE6w== , k2:LjxH/aXxMduX6IQcwQgOlw== , k3:rnZHCxhUHr79Y6zvQnxSEQ==")
The length of master keys before base64 encoding can be 16, 24 or 32 bytes (128, 192 or 256 bits).
Writing encrypted data
To write encrypted data:
Specify which columns to encrypt, and which master keys to use:
parameter name: "encryption.column.keys" parameter value: "<master key ID>:<column>,<column>;<master key ID>:<column> .."
Specify the footer key:
parameter name: "encryption.footer.key" parameter value: "<master key ID>"
For example:
dataFrame.write .option("encryption.footer.key" , "k1") .option("encryption.column.keys" , "k2:SSN,Address;k3:CreditCard") .parquet("<path to encrypted files>")
Note: `""` must contain the string `.encrypted` in the URL, for example `/path/to/my_table.parquet.encrypted`. If either the `"encryption.column.keys"` parameter or the `"encryption.footer.key"` parameter is not set, an exception will be thrown.
Reading encrypted data
The required metadata is stored in the encrypted Parquet files.
To read the encrypted data:
Provide the encryption keys:
sc.hadoopConfiguration.set("encryption.key.list" , "k1:iKwfmI5rDf7HwVBcqeNE6w== , k2:LjxH/aXxMduX6IQcwQgOlw== , k3:rnZHCxhUHr79Y6zvQnxSEQ==")
Call the regular parquet read commands, such as:
val dataFrame ="<path to encrypted files>")
Note: `""` must contain the string `.encrypted` in the URL, for example `/path/to/my_table.parquet.encrypted`.
Parent topic: Parquet encryption
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