Managing data quality SLA rules

Last updated: Dec 13, 2024
Managing data quality SLA rules

Define data quality SLA rules to help ensure that the quality of your data assets meets the expectations. Whenever you run metadata enrichment with the Monitor data quality with SLA rules option, the asset scores are checked against the SLA rules and, if configured, violations trigger a workflow where remediation tasks are opened.

Required permissions

You must have these user permissions:

  • To only view data quality SLA rules, you must have the Access governance artifacts permission.
  • To create, edit, or delete data quality SLA rules, you must have the Access governance artifacts and Manage data quality SLA rules permissions.

To create a data quality SLA rule:

  1. Open Governance > Rules and click Add rule > New data quality SLA rule.
  2. Select Data quality SLA rule.
  3. Provide the rule name. Optionally, provide a description of what the rule does in the Business definition field.
  4. Specify rule conditions:
    1. Optional: Select which data assets to include, by filtering either by name, or by assigned business terms. Separate multiple items by a comma. If you want the rule to apply to specific columns regardless of the containing data asset, select without further selection criteria and skip the next step.
    2. If you defined selection criteria for data assets, you can also define quality criteria for these assets. Select which score to apply and define the threshold. You can select the overall score or a specific dimension score.
    3. Add conditions that apply to specific columns. Depending on your selection in step 1, the conditions apply to columns in the data assets that match the filter criteria or to all columns regardless of the containing data assets.
    4. Specify what action to take if any of the conditions are not met. A predefined, ready to use workflow configuration is available. Based on this configuration, when a rule is violated, a remediation task is automatically assigned to the asset owner, who can then assign other users to fix the issue and to review the fix. For more information on this workflow configuration and how to modify it, see Managing workflows for data quality remediation tasks. If you don't select a remediation workflow, only the violation is reported on the data asset's Data quality page.
  5. Click Create.

After the rule is created and published, it is applied whenever you run metadata enrichment with the Monitor data quality with SLA rules option on the data assets that meet the specified criteria. If configured, remediation tasks are triggered automatically and assigned by default to the data asset owners.

Data quality SLA rules are global. They can run in any project as part of metadata enrichment.

You can edit and delete SLA rules. When you change the SLA rule, the change is not reflected until you run metadata enrichment on the affected asset again.

For more information on how to manage the remediation tasks, see Working with data quality remediation tasks.

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Parent topic: Data quality SLA rules