Data quality dimensions
Last updated: Feb 21, 2025
Data quality dimensions

Data quality dimensions describe a measurable characteristic of data and help defining data quality requirements. Use data quality dimensions to determine the expected results of data quality assessment, whether initial assessment or ongoing monitoring.

The state that you want your data to be in usually can be defined as fit for use, defect free, corresponds to specification, or meeting expectations and requirements. When you measure data quality, you compare the actual state of your data to this wanted state. The standards, expectations, and requirements that are important to your business processes are expressed as characteristics or dimensions of the data.

The Data Management Association (DAMA) International published a paper that describes 6 core dimensions of data quality:

Core data quality dimensions
Dimension Description Predefined data quality checks that identify issues associated with this dimension
Accuracy Data values are as close as possible to real values. None.
Completeness All required data values are present. Unexpected missing values
Consistency Data values within a column comply with a rule. Inconsistent capitalization
Inconsistent representation of missing values
Suspect values
Timeliness Data represents the reality from a required point in time. None.
Uniqueness Distinct values appear only once. Unexpected duplicated values
Validity Data conforms to the format, type, or range of its definition. Data class violations
Data type violations
Format violations
Values out of range

You can create your own data quality dimensions by using the IBM Knowledge Catalog API Create a data quality dimension.

The state that you want your data to be in usually can be defined as fit for use, defect free, corresponds to specification, or meeting expectations and requirements. When you measure data quality, you compare the actual state of your data to this wanted state. The standards, expectations, and requirements that are important to your business processes are expressed as characteristics or dimensions of the data.

The Data Management Association (DAMA) International published a paper that describes 6 core dimensions of data quality: Accuracy, Completeness, Consistency, Timeliness, Uniqueness, Validity

In addition, IBM Knowledge Catalog provides the dimension Homogeneity.

All of these dimensions can be evaluated by running data quality checks as part of metadata enrichment or by running individual data quality rules.

The following table describes the data quality dimensions and lists the data quality checks in metadata enrichment that can identify issues associated with a specific dimension:

Data quality dimensions
Dimension Description Types of data quality checks
Accuracy Data values are as close as possible to real values. None.
Completeness All required data values are present. Completeness check
Consistency Data values within a column comply with a rule. Capitalization style check
Missing values representation check
Referential integrity check (IBM Knowledge Catalog Premium)
Suspect values check
Homogeneity Data is similar and consistent over time. Historical stability (IBM Knowledge Catalog Premium)
Timeliness Data represents the reality from a required point in time. None.
Uniqueness Distinct values appear only once. Uniqueness check
Validity Data conforms to the format, type, or range of its definition. Data class check
Data type check
Format check
Length check
Possible values check
Range check
Regex check

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Parent topic: Managing data quality