False positive rate in Watson OpenScale quality metrics
Last updated: Jun 15, 2023
The false positive rate gives the proportion of incorrect predictions for positive classes in Watson OpenScale.
False positive rate at a glance
- Description: Proportion of incorrect predictions in positive class
- Default thresholds: Lower limit = 80%
- Default recommendation:
- Upward trend: An upward trend indicates that the metric is deteriorating. Feedback data is becoming significantly different than the training data.
- Downward trend: A downward trend indicates that the metric is improving. This means that model retraining is effective.
- Erratic or irregular variation: An erratic or irregular variation indicates that the feedback data is not consistent between evaluations. Increase the minimum sample size for the Quality monitor.
- Problem type: Binary classification
- Chart values: Last value in the timeframe
- Metrics details available: Confusion matrix
Do the math
The false positive rate is quotient of the total number of false positives that is divided by the sum of false positives and true negatives.
number of false positives False positive rate = ______________________________________________________ (number of false positives + number of true negatives)
Learn more
Parent topic: Quality metrics overview
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