IBM Match 360 with Watson (ベータ) サービスを Cloud Pak for Data as a Service で使用して、ビジネスを推進するさまざまなソースからのデータを統合し、信頼できる単一の 360 度の顧客ビューを確立します。
IBM Match 360 は、さまざまなソースにまたがるデータ・レコードを解決して、各顧客をより明確に把握できるようにします。 企業全体のシステムから IBM Match 360 にレコード・データをロードし、マッチング・アルゴリズムを実行して、信頼できるマスター・データ・エンティティーを作成することにより、そのデータを統合します。 データをマッチングした後、 IBM Match 360 は、ビジネス・ユーザーがマスター・データを分析および探索するのに役立つ統計とグラフを表示します。
IBM Match 360 with Watson Lite プランでは、アカウントごとに 1 つのサービス・インスタンスを作成し、最大 100 万件のレコードを処理できます。 ライト・プランのサービスは、60 日間アクティブになります。 Lite プランのサービスは、30 日間使用しないと削除されます。
以下のイメージは、 IBM Match 360 が、組織全体のデータをマッチングすることによって、信頼できるマスター・データ・エンティティーを作成するシナリオの例を示しています。
IBM Match 360サービスには、マスター・データ構成とマスター・データ・ワークスペースという、2つの相互補完的なユーザー・エクスペリエンスが含まれている。
IBM Match 360 ユーザー・エクスペリエンス
IBM Match 360 ユーザー・エクスペリエンス
マスター・データの準備と構成: - IBM Match 360 サービスのマスター・データ構成資産を構成します。 - データ資産をアップロードするか、データ・ソースを接続します。 - 生成されたデータ・モデルを精製します。 - データをモデルにマップします。 - IBM Match 360 サービスの強力なマッチング機能を実行して、マスター・データ・エンティティーを作成します。 - 組織の要件に合わせてマッチング・アルゴリズムを構成および調整します。
Use this interactive map to learn about the relationships between your tasks, the tools you need, the services that provide the tools, and where you use the tools.
Select any task, tool, service, or workspace
You'll learn what you need, how to get it, and where to use it.
Some tools perform the same tasks but have different features and levels of automation.
Jupyter notebook editor
Prepare data
Visualize data
Build models
Deploy assets
Create a notebook in which you run Python, R, or Scala code to prepare, visualize, and analyze data, or build a model.
Build models
Automatically analyze your tabular data and generate candidate model pipelines customized for your predictive modeling problem.
SPSS Modeler
Prepare data
Visualize data
Build models
Create a visual flow that uses modeling algorithms to prepare data and build and train a model, using a guided approach to machine learning that doesn’t require coding.
Decision Optimization
Build models
Visualize data
Deploy assets
Create and manage scenarios to find the best solution to your optimization problem by comparing different combinations of your model, data, and solutions.
Data Refinery
Prepare data
Visualize data
Create a flow of ordered operations to cleanse and shape data. Visualize data to identify problems and discover insights.
Orchestration Pipelines
Prepare data
Build models
Deploy assets
Automate the model lifecycle, including preparing data, training models, and creating deployments.
Prepare data
Build models
Deploy assets
Work with R notebooks and scripts in an integrated development environment.
Federated learning
Build models
Create a federated learning experiment to train a common model on a set of remote data sources. Share training results without sharing data.
Deploy assets
Monitor models
Deploy and run your data science and AI solutions in a test or production environment.
Catalog data
Find and share your data and other assets.
Metadata import
Prepare data
Catalog data
Import asset metadata from a connection into a project or a catalog.
Metadata enrichment
Prepare data
Catalog data
Enrich imported asset metadata with business context, data profiling, and quality assessment.
Data quality rules
Prepare data
Measure and monitor the quality of your data.
Masking flow
Prepare data
Create and run masking flows to prepare copies of data assets that are masked by advanced data protection rules.
Create your business vocabulary to enrich assets and rules to protect data.
Data lineage
Track data movement and usage for transparency and determining data accuracy.
AI factsheet
Monitor models
Track AI models from request to production.
DataStage flow
Prepare data
Create a flow with a set of connectors and stages to transform and integrate data. Provide enriched and tailored information for your enterprise.
Data virtualization
Prepare data
Create a virtual table to segment or combine data from one or more tables.
Monitor models
Measure outcomes from your AI models and help ensure the fairness, explainability, and compliance of all your models.
Data replication
Prepare data
Replicate data to target systems with low latency, transactional integrity and optimized data capture.
Master data
Prepare data
Consolidate data from the disparate sources that fuel your business and establish a single, trusted, 360-degree view of your customers.
Services you can use
Services add features and tools to the platform. Studio
Develop powerful AI solutions with an integrated collaborative studio and industry-standard APIs and SDKs. Formerly known as Watson Studio. Runtime
Quickly build, run and manage generative AI and machine learning applications with built-in performance and scalability. Formerly known as Watson Machine Learning.
IBM Knowledge Catalog
Discover, profile, catalog, and share trusted data in your organization.
Create ETL and data pipeline services for real-time, micro-batch, and batch data orchestration.
Data Virtualization
View, access, manipulate, and analyze your data without moving it.
Watson OpenScale
Monitor your AI models for bias, fairness, and trust with added transparency on how your AI models make decisions.
Data Replication
Provide efficient change data capture and near real-time data delivery with transactional integrity.
Match360 with Watson
Improve trust in AI pipelines by identifying duplicate records and providing reliable data about your customers, suppliers, or partners.
Manta Data Lineage
Increase data pipeline transparency so you can determine data accuracy throughout your models and systems.
Where you'll work
Collaborative workspaces contain tools for specific tasks.
Where you work with data.
> Projects > View all projects
Where you find and share assets.
> Catalogs > View all catalogs
Where you deploy and run assets that are ready for testing or production.
> Deployments
Where you manage governance artifacts.
> Governance > Categories
Data virtualization
Where you virtualize data.
> Data > Data virtualization
Master data
Where you consolidate data into a 360 degree view.