Exploring relationship data (IBM Match 360)

Last updated: Dec 05, 2024
Exploring relationship data (IBM Match 360)

Explore the relationships between your records to gain new insight about your data. Create or edit relationships between records.

Before you can explore or work with relationships, a data engineer user must have already defined one or more relationship types in the data model. A data engineer might also have bulk loaded relationship data into the system. For more information about these tasks, see Customizing your data model and Adding data and mapping it to your data model.

In this topic:

Exploring relationships

To find the details of a relationship, you must know at least one of the participants in the relationship. Search for either the source or target member of the related pair, then view the record in Explore view to see relationship details.

To find and explore relationships:

  1. From the Master data navigation menu, click Search search icon to open the master data search page.

  2. Search for the record or entity for which you want to view relationships.

    You can only create relationships from a record, not an entity. To narrow your search to record data instead of entities, select Records.

    For more information about searches, see Exploring master data entities and records

  3. From the search results, use the record or entity's three-dot action menu or View in Workspace icon view in workspace icon to select it for further exploration in the Workspace tab. When you send an entity or record to the Workspace tab, you can more closely review its details and compare it to any other entities or records. You can also view its various relationships. Send as many records and entities as you are interested in to the Workspace tab to view and compare their details.

  4. Choose the Workspace tab to review and compare the details of any entities or records that are selected for exploration. In the Recently viewed panel, you'll see a list of the records and entities that you have recently selected for exploration from the search screen.

  5. Select a record or entity and then click the Relationships tab to view relationships that this record or entity is a part of.

  6. Click on a relationship to see its details. To add related records to your Workspace tab, click them from the relationship details view.

Adding a relationship between records

From the Workspace tab, add a relationship to a selected record.

You cannot create a relationship between entities. Make sure that you are exploring a record. If you are exploring an entity, then select one of its member record to participate in the relationship.

Tip: To make the process of defining a relationship easier, start by populating your Workspace tab with the records that you want to use as endpoints in this relationship.

To add a relationship between records:

  1. Select a record on the Workspace tab. If you are exploring an entity, then select one of its member records.

  2. Click the Relationships tab, then click Create relationship.

  3. In the Relationship source field, identify the origin of this relationship information.

  4. Click Select to define the relationship type. Choose a relationship type, then click Select.

    The available options are defined in the data model. If you do not see an appropriate relationship type listed, ask a data scientist in your organization to add one.

  5. Choose whether the current record should be used as the source endpoint or target endpoint in this relationship. Use the provided relationship preview to help you decide what to choose. Click Next

  6. Click Select records to choose one or more records to associate with the current record in this relationship. Click Explore to see a list of records that are already in your Workspace tab or click Search to locate new records.

  7. When you have found the records you want to add to this relationship, select them. Preview the chosen records in the Selected records panel, then click Select.

  8. Use the relationship preview screen to review the relationship that you are creating.

  9. To add more records to this relationship, or to change a selected record endpoint, click Select records.

  10. When you are done, click Create to add this relationship to IBM Match 360.

You can now see the new relationship from the Relationships tab of each of the relationship's endpoint records. Click on a relationship to see its details.

Editing an existing relationship

You can edit the attributes of an existing relationship. If there aren't any attributes, you can add new attributes to the relationship.

Restriction: You cannot edit the relationship type or the source or target endpoints of an existing relationship. If you need to update these pieces of information, you must delete the a relationship and create a new one in its place.

To edit an existing relationship:

  1. Select a record on the Workspace tab. If you are exploring an entity, then select one of its member records.
  2. Click the Relationships tab and select the relationship that you want to edit.
  3. Click the Edit relationship icon edit relationship icon.
  4. Click an existing attribute to edit its values or click Add attribute to create a new one.
  5. When you are done, click Save to update the relationship in the system.

Deleting a relationship

When you delete a relationship, both sides (endpoints) of the relationship are removed and cannot be restored. The associated record data is not removed.

To delete a relationship:

  1. Select a record on the Workspace tab. If you are exploring an entity, then select one of its member records.
  2. Click the Relationships tab and select the relationship that you want to edit.
  3. Click the Delete relationship icon delete icon.
  4. Carefully review the details on the warning dialog to ensure that you are deleting the right relationship.
  5. If you are sure that you want to delete this relationship, click Delete.

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Parent topic: Exploring master data