Saving and loading master data configuration snapshots (IBM Match 360)
Use configuration snapshots to create point-in-time versions of your master data configuration settings. Load a snapshot to return the configuration to a previous version. Share snapshots across service instances to ensure consistency.
- Required permissions
- To work with configuration snapshots, you must be a member of the DataEngineer user group for the IBM Match 360 service.
Saved snapshots can be helpful for reverting the configuration back to previous versions, sharing configurations between IBM Match 360 service instances, and preserving peace of mind.
Load snapshots either by making a saved snapshot the current instance or by uploading and applying an external snapshot JSON file.
You can always view information about the current master data configuration and current snapshot by clicking the Info icon in the action bar to open the About this configuration side panel. This side panel shows details of your current service instance and information about recent configuration activity.
Watch the following video to see how to create and manage configuration snapshots.
This video provides a visual method to learn the concepts and tasks in this documentation.
In this topic:
- What is included in a snapshot?
- Snapshot compatibility
- Creating a snapshot
- Editing a snapshot
- Deleting a snapshot
- Exporting a snapshot
- Loading a snapshot
- Loading a snapshot from another master data instance
What is included in a snapshot?
Each configuration snapshot includes the following aspects of the master data configuration.
Data model configuration:
- Entity type definitions
- Record type definitions
- Relationship type definitions
- Attribute type definitions
Matching settings:
- Selected match attributes and fields
- Autolink threshold
- Matching weights for each attribute and field
- Attribute composition rules
- Other matching engine settings
Mapping patterns:
- Data asset mapping selections that map your asset columns to data model attributes
For more information about mapping patterns, see Adding data and mapping it to your data model.
Other configuration settings:
- Compare spec resources
- Map resources
- Set resources
Snapshots do not include:
- Data assets
- Entity or record data (for information about exporting entity or record data, see Exporting master data.)
- Details about matching results
- Pair review results
- Unapplied algorithm tuning recommendations
Snapshot compatibility
When you load a snapshot either from a previous snapshot of your service instance or from an imported JSON file, IBM Match 360 analyzes the incoming configuration to ensure that it is compatible with the current configuration. Some types of configuration changes make it impossible to apply a snapshot without causing data loss or other serious problems.
Specifically, some types of configuration changes to the data model can cause snapshot compatibility issues. In short, you can only load progressive changes that add objects to the data model and not regressive changes that remove objects from the data model. If incompatible data model objects are included as selected match attributes in the configuration, then the matching settings can also become incompatible.
For example, if you are trying to load an older snapshot that was created before you added a new Employee record type to the data model, then the system flags the data model configuration as incompatible. Loading the older snapshot would require removing a record type from the data model, which could result in data loss if record data has already been mapped to that part of the model.
If parts of a snapshot are determined to be incompatible, then IBM Match 360 can only complete a partial load of the snapshot. The compatible parts of the snapshot can still be loaded, but incompatible changes are set aside. If you do not wish to complete a partial load, you can cancel before loading the configuration.
Mapping patterns must be compatible with the data model or they cannot be applied. If you do not apply both the data model and mapping patterns from the same snapshot, IBM Match 360 checks to see if the mapping patterns are compatible with the existing data model. You cannot import incompatible mapping patterns.
Creating a snapshot
Click the Activity icon in the action bar to begin the process of saving a new snapshot.
When you make a configuration change that affects the match settings, matching algorithm, or data model and then either run matching or publish the data model, the system detects the change and notifies you that this looks like a good opportunity to create a new snapshot. You can choose to ignore the suggestion or accept it and begin the process of defining your new configuration snapshot.
To capture the current master data configuration settings in a new snapshot:
Ensure that you are in a configuration area of the service, such as Configuration overview, Assets, or Match setup.
Click the Activity icon
in the action bar. The Snapshots of this instance side panel opens. Review the information on the side panel to see an overview of existing snapshots and guidance about recent configuration activity, if applicable.
Click New snapshot to start defining your new snapshot.
Give your snapshot a name and description. The system generates a snapshot ID to ensure that it is unique in the system.
Tip: It is helpful to include meaningful information in the description such as the date and the reason for the snapshot. -
Click Create. Your new snapshot now appears in the side panel and is ready to be reloaded at any time.
Editing a snapshot
After creating a configuration snapshot, you can edit its name or description. You cannot edit the configuration details that are saved in the snapshot.
To edit a snapshot's name or description:
- Ensure that you are in a configuration area of the service, such as Configuration overview, Assets, or Match setup.
- Click the Activity icon
in the action bar. The Snapshots of this instance side panel opens.
- In the side panel, locate the snapshot you want to edit. Hover over the snapshot and click the three-dot overflow menu. Choose Edit.
- Edit the name or description as needed, then click Save. You'll see the updated snapshot in the side panel.
Deleting a snapshot
If you no longer need to keep a snapshot, you can delete it. Deleting a snapshot cannot be undone. To store a backup copy of a snapshot before deleting it, download the snapshot to your local device. For information about downloading snapshots, see Exporting a snapshot.
To delete a snapshot:
- Click the Activity icon
in the action bar. The Snapshots of this instance side panel opens.
- In the side panel, locate the snapshot you want to delete. Hover over the snapshot and click the three-dot overflow menu. Choose Delete.
- In the confirmation dialog, click Delete. You'll be notified when the snapshot is deleted successfully.
Exporting a snapshot
If you want to share a saved master data configuration version with other IBM Match 360 with Watson service instances, you must export and download the corresponding snapshot. Each exported snapshot gets saved to your local machine as a JSON file.
To export a snapshot:
- Ensure that you are in a configuration area of the service, such as Configuration overview, Assets, or Match setup.
- Click the Activity icon
in the action bar. The Snapshots of this instance side panel opens.
- In the side panel, locate the snapshot you want to export. Hover over the snapshot and click the three-dot overflow menu. Choose Export.
- Save the snapshot to your local device as a JSON file.
For information about loading a snapshot that was previously exported, see Loading a snapshot from another master data instance.
Loading a snapshot
If you want to revert to a previous version of your master data configuration, you can load one of your saved snapshots. Loading a snapshot moves its settings into your current, active configuration.
To load a previous configuration version from your list of saved snapshots:
Ensure that you are in a configuration area of the service, such as Configuration overview, Assets, or Match setup.
Click the Activity icon
in the action bar. The Snapshots of this instance side panel opens.
In the side panel, locate the snapshot you want to load. Hover over the snapshot and click the three-dot overflow menu. Choose Make current. If you haven't recently saved your current configuration version as a snapshot, you'll be prompted to create a snapshot before continuing. Click Cancel to exit so you can create a snapshot or, if you are ready to continue, click Load configuration.
The system analyzes the selected snapshot to determine if it is compatible with the current master data configuration. Note whether any parts are labeled Incompatible. For information about compatibility, see Snapshot compatibility.
Click Next to continue loading the snapshot.
Review, compare, and verify any differences between the incoming snapshot and the current configuration. If there is an incompatible data model change, you can identify it here.
- Click the Data model tab to review the incoming data model changes. You can see details of changes to entity types, record types, relationship types, and attribute types.
- Click the Match settings tab to review the incoming match settings changes for each entity type. You can see details of changes to matching attributes, attribute composition rules, or algorithm tuning. For attribute composition rule changes, expand the entity rule and each attribute rule to view a detailed comparison of the rule definitions.
- Click the Mapping tab to review the incoming mapping patterns. If any of the mapping patterns match the format of existing data assets, you will see suggestions about which assets you can map to the incoming patterns. In the Mapping patterns list, click each pattern to see the compatible data asset suggestions and review the pattern details. In the Suggested assets section, review the proposed mapping changes for each suggested asset and choose whether to apply the selected mapping pattern as part of loading the snapshot.
To apply the configuration snapshot, click Load if all changes are compatible or Partial load if there are incompatible changes. Loading a snapshot can take some time. You'll be notified when the configuration is successfully loaded.
Learn more
- Customizing your data model
- Customizing and strengthening your matching algorithm
- Defining attribute composition rules
- Adding data and mapping it to your data model
- Managing master data
Parent topic: Configuring master data