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Defining the way records, entities, and attributes are displayed in IBM Match 360

Last updated: Dec 05, 2024
Defining the way records, entities, and attributes are displayed in IBM Match 360

Configure the way information is displayed in the master data workspace and search results for different record types, entity types, and attribute types.

By default, IBM Match 360 defines the way records, entities, and attributes are shown in the master data workspace's Search and Workspace tabs. You can customize these views to meet your organization's requirements.

Depending on your user permissions, you can either change the global view settings, your personal view settings, or both. The global settings are the default view settings for each user of this IBM Match 360 with Watson service instance.

For record types and entity types, you can control:

  • The label for records or entities of this type.
  • What attributes are shown as columns in search results.
  • What attributes are shown in the summary view of a record or entity.
  • Groups of attributes that are shown together in the summary view of a record or entity.
  • Related attributes, including those from other record types or entity types.

For attribute types, you can control:

  • Whether attributes of this type are displayed only by attribute label or if all of its fields are shown.
  • The appearance and content of the attribute label.
  • Which fields are shown in detailed views of the attribute.

Configuring the way records, entities, and attributes are displayed

To configure how records and attributes are displayed on the screen:

  1. From the Master data navigation menu, click Search search icon to open the master data search page. Go to the Settings tab.

  2. From the menu, choose whether you want to change record types, entity types, or attribute types in either global or personal settings.

    To enable your personal settings, select either Record types, Entity types, or Attribute types under the Your settings heading. Click Activate to start using your settings instead of the global settings.

    Note: If you deactivate your personal settings to use the global settings instead, your personal settings are lost and you must reconfigure them if you decide to switch back.
  3. Edit the view settings for:

Editing the view settings for record types

To edit the view settings for record types:

  1. From the menu, click Record types, then choose the record type that you want to define view settings for.

  2. Choose what setting you want to modify:

    • Label: The title label for records of this type. In certain views, the label is a shorthand title that identifies a record or entity of this type. Select an attribute, then click + to add fields or spacers to the label.
    • Search results: Select the attributes to show as columns in search results for this type of record. Use the arrows to change the column order.
    • Summary: Select the attributes to show on the Summary view for records and entities of this type. You can include up to eight attributes.
    • Attribute groups: Optionally, create groupings of attributes that will be shown together when you view the details of a record or entity of this type.
    • Related information: Optionally, create sections of related information to be shown when you view the details of a record or entity of this type.
  3. Click Save.

Editing the view settings for entity types

To edit the view settings for entity types:

  1. From the menu, click Entity types, then choose the entity type that you want to define view settings for.

  2. Choose what setting you want to modify:

    • Label: The title label for entities of this type. In certain views, the label is a shorthand title that identifies an entity of this type. Select an attribute, then click + to add fields or spacers to the label.
    • Search results: Select the attributes to show as columns in search results for this type of entity. Use the arrows to change the column order.
    • Summary: Select the attributes to show on the Summary view for entities of this type. You can include up to eight attributes.
    • Attribute groups: Optionally, create groupings of attributes that will be shown together when you view the details of an entity of this type.
    • Related information: Optionally, create sections of related information to be shown when you view the details of an entity of this type.

    When defining an entity type, you can choose to replicate the view settings of the parent record type. Click Overwrite with record type settings at any time to replace your current entity view settings with those of the parent record type. The button is only available when record type view settings have been defined.

    The Overwrite with record type settings action is a one-time copy of the record type view settings to the entity type view settings. This action is most useful when you are defining settings for a new entity type and want to use the record view settings as a base. During the copy, the system maps certain record attributes to their entity attribute equivalents (such as mapping record ID to entity ID). If there is no equivalent, such as for record source, the attribute is omitted.

  3. Click Save.

Editing the view settings for attribute types

To edit the view settings for attribute types:

  1. From the menu, click Attribute types, then choose the attribute type that you want to define view settings for.

  2. Choose what setting you want to modify:

    • Display mode: Define how attributes of this type display in tables or detail panels.
    • Attribute label: Define up to five lines of formatted text to display when viewing attributes of this type in a condensed format. Click + to add fields or spacers.
    • Field settings: Select which fields should show when displaying as separate fields.
  3. Click Save.

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Parent topic: Exploring master data