Generating business terms

Last updated: Dec 11, 2024
Generating business terms

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Generate meaningful business terms from technical data assets to ensure that your data assets are properly described and accurately utilized across your enterprise. To expand your glossary and improve the accuracy of the model, you can generate business terms and immediately publish them to a category (immediate enrichment) or generate draft business terms, review, and publish them later.

Generate business terms and immediately publish them
If you want to generate business terms and immediately publish them to a category, consider the following:

  • The generated business terms are immediately published to a category and are automatically assigned to data assets.
  • Through the metadata enrichment process, the generated terms are automatically assigned to corresponding tables and columns.
  • PART OF relationships, for example IS A PART OF and HAS A PART OF, are created between Data Asset and Data Asset Columns.

Generate draft business terms, review, and publish them later
If you want to generate draft business terms, review, and publish them later, consider the following:

  • The generated business terms are in the Draft status. If you need to, you can review them, and then decide to either publish them to a category or delete them.
  • PART OF relationships, for example IS A PART OF and HAS A PART OF, aren't created between Data Asset and Data Asset Columns.
  • Draft business terms aren't assigned to data assets. You can publish the terms and run a metadata enrichment job again to assign the assets.
  • The generated terms are grouped into workflows. You can only publish and delete workflows, not individual terms. There is a maximum of 100 terms in a workflow.


  1. Ensure that you have the following roles and permissions.

    • The Admin or Editor role in the catalog to which you want to import or publish the assets.
    • The Admin or Editor role in the project.
    • The Access catalogs user permission.
    • The Manage asset discovery user permission.
    • The Access governance artifacts user permission.
    • The Manage governance categories user permission.
    • The Manage glossary user permission.
  2. If you haven't already, request access for the technology preview to generate business terms and then enable the technology preview on your system.

    1. On a project Asset page, click New asset and select Import metadata for data assets as your goal.
    2. Type a name for your metadata import.
    3. Click the Generate business terms for imported data tile and click Request access.
    4. Submit your request and wait for an email with instructions.
    5. Follow the steps from the email that you received.
  3. If you want to generate business terms and save them as drafts to review them before you publish them, create a category or pick a category to assign to the new terms so that you can easily identify them after they're generated. This step is optional if you're generating and immediately publishing the terms.

  4. Create a project or select an existing one.

  5. Add data assets to your project or ensure that the data assets that you want to use are in the project.

Generating business terms and publishing them to a category (immediate enrichment)

To generate and immediately publish business terms:

  1. Go to Projects > View all projects and open the project that you want to work in.

  2. Add the term generation feature flag that you received in the email to the URL and reload the page.

  3. On the project Manage page, go to Metadata enrichment and ensure that only the External business identifier box is checked.
    Gen AI based term assignment mustn't be selected.

  4. On the project Asset page, click New asset to create a metadata import:

    1. Define your goal by selecting Generate terms for imported data.

      Alternatively, if you didn't add any data assets beforehand, you can import data from a connection now and generate terms for that data. Select both Generate terms for imported data and Import assets with metadata. For more information, see Importing asset metadata.

    2. Type a name for your metadata import.
      You can add a description and tags.

    3. Select the scope.
      Select all or specific data assets that were imported into the project.

      Refer to your IBM Knowledge Catalog plan to find the maximum number of business terms that can be processed.

      If you're importing data and generating terms from that data, select a connection.
      You can also select a data source.

    4. Set advanced options in Generate business terms:

      1. Optional: To easily identify the business terms and store them in one place, select their primary category in Basic details > Primary category.

      2. Optional: To reference and reuse terms from existing glossaries and to prevent creating duplicates, specify context categories in Context.

        If you provide context categories or if your primary category contains already existing business terms, exact matching names are reused. If there are multiple occurrences of matching names across the provided categories, the matching business term name in the explicitly listed primary category are chosen. If there are multiple matching names in the context categories, the first instance is chosen.

      3. Switch the Immediate enrichment toggle in Metadata enrichment to on to immediately publish the generated business terms to glossary.

    5. Review the details, edit them if necessary, and click Create.

      You can click Refresh to see the assets for which terms were generated.

      Details of the job are displayed in the About this metadata import pane.

      You can't cancel a term generation job once it's started.

Generating draft business terms

To generate draft business terms:

  1. Go to Projects > View all projects and open the project that you want to work in.

  2. Add the term generation feature flag that you received in the email to the URL and reload the page.

  3. On the project Manage page, go to Metadata enrichment and ensure that only the External business identifier box is checked.
    Gen AI based term assignment mustn't be selected.

  4. On the project Asset page, click New asset to create a metadata import:

    1. Define your goal by selecting Generate terms for imported data.

      Alternatively, if you didn't add any data assets beforehand, you can import data from a connection now and generate terms for that data. Select both Generate terms for imported data and Import assets with metadata. For more information, see Importing asset metadata.

    2. Type a name for your metadata import.
      You can add a description and tags.

    3. Select the scope.
      Select all or specific data assets that were imported into the project.

      Refer to your IBM Knowledge Catalog plan to find the maximum number of business terms that can be processed.

      If you're importing data and generating terms from that data, select a connection.
      You can also select a data source.

    4. Set advanced options in Generate business terms:

      1. To easily identify the business terms and store them in one place, select their primary category in Basic details > Primary category.

      2. Optional: To reference and reuse terms from existing glossaries and to prevent creating duplicates, specify context categories in Context.

        If you provide context categories or if your primary category contains already existing business terms, exact matching names are reused. If there are multiple occurrences of matching names across the provided categories, the matching business term name in the explicitly listed primary category are chosen. If there are multiple matching names in the context categories, the first instance is chosen.

    5. Review the details, edit them if necessary, and click Create.

      You can click Refresh to see the assets for which terms were generated.

      Details of the job are displayed in the About this metadata import pane.

      You can't cancel a term generation job once it's started.

      You can now review the generated draft terms and either publish them or delete them.

Publishing draft generated business terms to glossary

Publish generated business terms that are in the Draft state.

  1. Go to Governance > Categories and open the category that you selected as the primary category when you created the term generation job.

  2. Review the generated draft terms. The generated terms are grouped into workflows. You can publish workflows, not individual terms.

  3. Optional: Assign business terms to data assets by running a metadata enrichment job. Business terms that were generated as drafts don't have assignments to data assets. After you publish such business terms to a category, you can run a metadata enrichment job and select the category with the generated term.

  4. Optional: Assign relationships. Business terms that were generated as drafts don't have any PART OF relationships to other terms. You can add the relationships manually.

If you don't want to add the relationships manually, generate the terms again and ensure that you select the Immediate enrichment option.

Viewing generated business terms

You can view the generated terms either from the category level or metadata enrichment job level:

  • Go to Governance > Categories > Your category.
    All generated business terms have a gen AI tag.
    You can see this tag only at the business term level. Use this tag to filter your business terms search results.

  • After your metadata enrichment job is finished, click MDE job name in About this metadata import > Related assets to see what business terms were generated.
    This options is available only if you selected Immediate enrichment.

Deleting generated business terms

Draft generated terms are grouped into workflows. You can delete workflows, not individual terms.

For published generated terms, you can delete each one individually.

  1. Go to Task inbox.
  2. Select the business term or workflow with the business terms that you want to delete.
  3. Delete the item.

Publishing generated business terms to catalogs

  1. Create a catalog or select to which catalog you want to publish the generated business terms.
  2. Go to Projects > Your project for term generation and from the Assets and or Columns tab select which items you want to publish to a catalog and click Publish.
  3. Select a catalog.
  4. Review the asset information.
  5. Click Publish.

Generated business terms properties

When you generate terms, the following term properties are applied or updated.

Generated business terms properties
Property Immediately published term Draft term Existing term
Business term name New generated term New generated term Not updated
Description New generated description New generated description Not updated
Tags gen AI
gen AI
Category Specified category Specified category Existing category
Asset assignment Yes No Yes
PART OF relationships Yes No Yes

Parent topic: Business terms