To access your data in Snowflake, create a connection asset for it.
Snowflake is a cloud-based data storage and analytics service.
Create a connection to Snowflake
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To create the connection asset, you need the following connection details:
Account name: The full name of your account
Database name
Role: The default access control role to use in the Snowflake session
Warehouse: The virtual warehouse
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Authentication method:
Username and password
Key-Pair: Enter the contents of the private key and the key passphrase (if configured). These properties must be set up by the Snowflake administrator. For information, see Key Pair Authentication & Key Pair Rotation in the Snowflake documentation.
Okta URL endpoint: If your company uses native Okta SSO authentication, enter the Okta URL endpoint for your Okta account. Example: https://<okta_account_name> Leave this field blank if you want to use the
default authentication of Snowflake. For information about federated authentication provided by Okta, see Native SSO.
Choose the method for creating a connection based on where you are in the platform