Working with data quality remediation tasks
Depending on the action configured in a data quality SLA rule and the workflow configuration selected there, remediation tasks are opened each time some data quality SLA rule is violated. Learn how to manage these tasks.
A default workflow configuration that is provided out of the box for data quality SLA remediation tasks consists of three steps, each step being a separate task:
- Review - The asset owner is assigned the task so they can review the details and decide whom to assign to the following steps.
- Fix - The assigned user fixes the issue that causes violation.
- Approve - The assigned user reviews and approves the fix.
By default, the affected asset owner is assigned to the first task, and they specify which users are assigned to the following tasks.
Reviewing your assigned tasks
To view the data quality SLA remediation tasks that are assigned to you:
Go to Task inbox.
Open tasks filter and in the Request type section select Data Quality Remediation.
Click Apply.
Click any task from the filtered list to review it:
- If the task is assigned to more than one user, you can claim it. As a result, the task disappears from other users' inboxes.
- You can leave a comment in the task for other users to read.
- Use the action buttons to proceed with the workflow. The available actions depend on the task.
Reviewing all tasks for an asset
Use the Data Quality tab when viewing an asset to review the possible violations of the data quality SLA rules. In the SLA rule compliance and remediation section, you can view the rules that apply to the asset, when they were run, whether they passed or were violated, and the action that was taken. You can view how many tasks were opened, and whether they are on track or overdue. See Monitoring workflow tasks for more information on how to manage the overdue tasks and reassign them.
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