Workflow reporting tables

Last updated: Dec 13, 2024
Workflow reporting tables

Check the Postgres, Db2 statements for the tables that are related to workflows.

Subject area Table name Description
Workflow workflow_types The workflow types.
Workflow workflow_templates The workflow templates.
Workflow workflow_configurations The workflow configurations.
Workflow workflows The workflows.
Workflow workflow_tasks The workflow tasks.


This table contains information about workflow types.

This table has the following columns:

  • type_id - Identifier for the workflow type.
  • name - Specifies name of the workflow type.
  • type - The type (for example governanance_artifacts).


CREATE TABLE statement:

create table workflow_types(type_id varchar(128) not null,
name varchar(256) not null,
type varchar(256) not null,
tech_start TIMESTAMP(6) not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
tech_end TIMESTAMP(6) not null default to_timestamp('9999-12-30', 'YYYY-MM-DD'),
ts_id TIMESTAMP(6) not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
primary key(type_id))


CREATE TABLE statement:

create table workflow_types(type_id varchar(128) not null,
name varchar(256) not null,
type varchar(256) not null,
tech_start TIMESTAMP(12) not null IMPLICITLY HIDDEN generated always as row begin,
tech_end TIMESTAMP(12) not null IMPLICITLY HIDDEN generated always as row
ts_id TIMESTAMP(12) not null generated always as transaction start ID,
primary key(type_id),
period SYSTEM_TIME (tech_start,
tech_end) ) ORGANIZE by row

workflow_templates table

This table contains information about the workflow templates.

This table has the following columns:

  • template_key - Identifier of the workflow template.
  • type_id - Identifier of the workflow type this template belongs to.
  • name - The name of the workflow template.
  • is_suspended - Specifies whether the workflow template is suspended or active(boolean).


CREATE TABLE statement:

create table workflow_templates(template_key varchar(128) not null,
type_id varchar(128) not null,
name varchar(256) not null,
is_suspended boolean not null,
tech_start TIMESTAMP(6) not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
tech_end TIMESTAMP(6) not null default to_timestamp('9999-12-30', 'YYYY-MM-DD'),
ts_id TIMESTAMP(6) not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
primary key(template_key))

ALTER TABLE statement:

alter table workflow_templates add constraint fk_workflow_templates_workflow_types_1 foreign key (type_id) references workflow_types(type_id) on
	cascade on
	no action


CREATE TABLE statement:

create table workflow_templates(template_key varchar(128) not null,
type_id varchar(128) not null,
name varchar(256) not null,
is_suspended boolean not null,
tech_start TIMESTAMP(12) not null IMPLICITLY HIDDEN generated always as row begin,
tech_end TIMESTAMP(12) not null IMPLICITLY HIDDEN generated always as row
ts_id TIMESTAMP(12) not null generated always as transaction start ID,
primary key(template_key),
period SYSTEM_TIME (tech_start,
tech_end) ) ORGANIZE by row

ALTER TABLE statement:

alter table workflow_templates add constraint fk_workflow_templates_workflow_types_1 foreign key (type_id) references workflow_types(type_id) on
	cascade on
	no action

workflow_configurations table

This table contains information about the workflow configurations.

This table has the following columns:

  • configuration_id - The identifier of the workflow configuration
  • name - The name of the workflow configuration
  • template_key - The identifier of the template to which the workflow belongs
  • state - Specifies whether the configuration is active or unavailable.


CREATE TABLE statement:

create table workflow_configurations(configuration_id varchar(128) not null,
name varchar(256) not null,
template_key varchar(128) not null,
state varchar(256) not null,
tech_start TIMESTAMP(6) not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
tech_end TIMESTAMP(6) not null default to_timestamp('9999-12-30', 'YYYY-MM-DD'),
ts_id TIMESTAMP(6) not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
primary key(configuration_id))

ALTER TABLE statement:

alter table workflow_configurations add constraint fk_workflow_configurations_workflow_templates_2 foreign key (template_key) references workflow_templates(template_key) on
	cascade on
	no action


CREATE TABLE statement:

create table workflow_configurations(configuration_id varchar(128) not null,
name varchar(256) not null,
template_key varchar(128) not null,
state varchar(256) not null,
tech_start TIMESTAMP(12) not null IMPLICITLY HIDDEN generated always as row begin,
tech_end TIMESTAMP(12) not null IMPLICITLY HIDDEN generated always as row
ts_id TIMESTAMP(12) not null generated always as transaction start ID,
primary key(configuration_id),
period SYSTEM_TIME (tech_start,
tech_end) ) ORGANIZE by row

ALTER TABLE statement:

alter table workflow_configurations add constraint fk_workflow_configurations_workflow_templates_2 foreign key (template_key) references workflow_templates(template_key) on
	cascade on
	no action

workflows table

This table contains information about the workflows.

This table has the following columns:

  • workflow_id - The identifier of the workflow.
  • configuration_id - The identifier of the configuration under which the workflow is created.
  • instance_state - The state of the instance, whether completed or failed.
  • workflow_state - The state of the workflow (for example "published").
  • created_by - The person who created the workflow.
  • start_time - The time at which the workflow started.
  • end_time- The time at which the workflow was completed.


CREATE TABLE statement:

create table workflows(workflow_id varchar(128) not null,
configuration_id varchar(128),
instance_state varchar(256),
workflow_state varchar(256),
created_by varchar(128) not null,
start_time timestamp(6),
end_time timestamp(6),
tech_start TIMESTAMP(6) not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
tech_end TIMESTAMP(6) not null default to_timestamp('9999-12-30', 'YYYY-MM-DD'),
ts_id TIMESTAMP(6) not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
primary key(workflow_id))

ALTER TABLE statement:

alter table workflows add constraint fk_workflows_workflow_configurations_3 foreign key (configuration_id) references workflow_configurations(configuration_id) on
	cascade on
	no action


CREATE TABLE statement:

create table workflows(workflow_id varchar(128) not null,
configuration_id varchar(128),
instance_state varchar(256),
workflow_state varchar(256),
created_by varchar(128) not null,
start_time timestamp(12),
end_time timestamp(12),
tech_start TIMESTAMP(12) not null IMPLICITLY HIDDEN generated always as row begin,
tech_end TIMESTAMP(12) not null IMPLICITLY HIDDEN generated always as row
ts_id TIMESTAMP(12) not null generated always as transaction start ID,
primary key(workflow_id),
period SYSTEM_TIME (tech_start,
tech_end) ) ORGANIZE by row

ALTER TABLE statement:

alter table workflows add constraint fk_workflows_workflow_configurations_3 foreign key (configuration_id) references workflow_configurations(configuration_id) on
	cascade on
	no action

workflow_tasks table

This table contains information about the workflow tasks.

This table has the following columns:

  • task_id - The identifier of the Workflow task
  • key - The current step of the workflow task (authoring, approval, review, publishing)
  • workflow_id - The identifier of the workflow under which the task belongs.
  • state - The state of the workflow task (for example "created").
  • assignee - The person who is assigned to this task.
  • create_time - The creation time of the workflow.
  • due_time - The due time of the workflow.
  • claim_time - The time at which the task was claimed.
  • end_time - The time at which the task ended.


CREATE TABLE statement:

create table workflow_tasks(task_id varchar(128) not null,
key varchar(256),
workflow_id varchar(128),
state varchar(256),
assignee varchar(128),
create_time timestamp(6) not null,
due_time timestamp(6),
claim_time timestamp(6),
end_time timestamp(6),
tech_start TIMESTAMP(6) not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
tech_end TIMESTAMP(6) not null default to_timestamp('9999-12-30', 'YYYY-MM-DD'),
ts_id TIMESTAMP(6) not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
primary key(task_id))

ALTER TABLE statement:

alter table workflow_tasks add constraint fk_workflow_tasks_workflows_4 foreign key (workflow_id) references workflows(workflow_id) on
	cascade on
	no action


CREATE TABLE statement:

create table workflow_tasks(task_id varchar(128) not null,
key varchar(256),
workflow_id varchar(128),
state varchar(256),
assignee varchar(128),
create_time timestamp(12) not null,
due_time timestamp(12),
claim_time timestamp(12),
end_time timestamp(12),
tech_start TIMESTAMP(12) not null IMPLICITLY HIDDEN generated always as row begin,
tech_end TIMESTAMP(12) not null IMPLICITLY HIDDEN generated always as row
ts_id TIMESTAMP(12) not null generated always as transaction start ID,
primary key(task_id),
period SYSTEM_TIME (tech_start,
tech_end) ) ORGANIZE by row

ALTER TABLE statement:

alter table workflow_tasks add constraint fk_workflow_tasks_workflows_4 foreign key (workflow_id) references workflows(workflow_id) on
	cascade on
	no action

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Parent topic: Reporting tables