Reporting tables
Reporting data for IBM Knowledge Catalog is stored in SQL tables in PostgreSQL, Db2, or Microsoft SQL Server database. You can use the descriptions of the tables to better understand the reporting data and to generate more meaningful reports.
Each table description contains the list of table columns with short descriptions and the
SQL statement. In some cases, CREATE TABLE
statements are provided.CREATE INDEX
Each of these tables has a history table that is associated with it. The name of a history table starts with the prefix
, followed by the table name.hist_
In PostgreSQL SQL tables, use the
function to populate the tables with appropriate data. The function is defined in the following way:f_trig_<table_name>
FUNCTION f_trig_<table_name>() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$
$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
To better understand the replationships between the SQL tables that store the reporting data, see Data model for IBM Knowledge Catalog reporting. The list of tables is as follows:
Subject area | Table name | Description |
Workspaces | containers | Catalogs and projects that are created. |
Workspaces | projects | A project and its members. |
Workspaces | container_assets | The assets that are defined in a catalog or project. |
Workspaces | container_data_assets | The data assets that are defined in a catalog or project. |
Workspaces | container_data_asset_columns | The columns in a data asset. |
Workspaces | data_asset_column_tags | The tags that are associated with the columns. |
Workspaces | asset_collaborators | A list of all the members of an asset. |
Workspaces | container_members | A list of all the members of a catalog or project. |
Workspaces | data_asset_column_class_distribution | Suggested data classes for a column with confidence. |
Workspaces | data_asset_column_prop_values | Custom attribute column values. |
Workspaces | data_source_definitions | Details about the data source definitions. |
Workspaces | connection_dsd_assignments | Details about the connections assigned to data source definitions. |
User Profiles | user_profiles | A list of all the users of a catalog or project. |
Asset relationships | asset_artifact_relations | The associations between asset and governance artifacts. |
Asset relationships | container_assets_associations | The relationships between the catalog assets. |
Asset relationships | asset_tags | The tags that are associated with an asset. |
Asset relationships | governance_artifact_container_associations | The governance artifact, which is associated with a catalog asset. |
Asset relationships | data_asset_column_artifact_associations | The governance artifacts, which are associated with the column of the data asset. |
Asset relationships | column_to_asset_relations | The associations between data asset column and an asset. |
Asset relationships | column_to_column_relations | The associations between data asset columns. |
Asset relationships | column_to_artifact_relations | The associations between data asset column and artifacts. |
Asset relationships | data_asset_pk_fk_columns | The associations between data asset column and any asset. |
Asset relationships | data_asset_fk_ref_columns | The associations between data asset reference column and any asset. |
Tags | Tags | The tags that are defined. |
Rules | enforcement_rules | The enforcement rules (data protection rules) that are defined. |
Categories | categories | The governance categories that are defined. |
Categories | category_collaborators | A list of all collaborators of a category. |
Categories | category_tags | The tags that are associated with a category. |
Categories | category_associations | The relationships between categories. |
Governance artifacts | governance_artifacts | The governance artifacts that are defined in the system that are in the published state. |
Governance artifacts | governance_artifact_stewards | A list of stewards that are assigned to a published artifact. |
Governance artifacts | governance_artifact_associations | The relationships between the governance artifacts. |
Governance artifacts | artifact_tags | The tags that are associated with an artifact. |
Governance artifacts | business_term_abbreviations | Abbreviations assigned to business term artifacts (of type glossary_term). |
Artifact relationships | secondary_category_associations | A list of secondary categories to which an artifact is assigned. |
Artifact relationships | business_term_associations | The relationships between business terms. |
Artifact relationships | data_class_associations | The relationships between data classes. |
Artifact relationships | policy_associations | The relationships between policies. |
Artifact relationships | reference_data_set_associations | The relationships between reference data sets. |
Artifact relationships | classification_associations | The relationships between classifications. |
Artifact relationships | governance_rule_associations | The relationships between governance rules. |
Artifact relationships | artifact_enforcement_rule_associations | The implicit relationships between a governance artifact and enforcement rules. |
Artifact relationships | artifact_category_associations | The relationships between governance artifact and category. |
Metadata imports and enrichments | metadata_imports | Metadata import information. |
Metadata imports and enrichments | metadata_import_executions | The scheduled time of the metadata import job. |
Metadata imports and enrichments | metadata_enrichments | Metadata enrichments information. |
Data quality rules | dq_issues_for_asset_columns | The data quality issues for a column. |
Data quality rules | dq_issues_for_assets) | The issues observed when assets undergo quality analysis to determine the overall data quality. |
Data quality rules | dq_checks | Information about the data quality checks. |
Data quality rules | dq_v4_dimensions | The quality dimensions for the rule for example wheather there is duplicates. |
Data quality rules | dq_rule_definitions | The data quality rule definition. |
Data quality rules | dq_rules_defs | Data Quality Rule Definitions. |
Data quality rules | dq_rules | The data quality rule information. |
Data quality rules | dq_rule_bindings | The rule bindings for the data quality rule. |
Data quality rules | dq_rule_execution | The scheduled time for the data quality rule job. |
Customizations | category_custom_roles | The custom category roles. |
Customizations | glossary_custom_relationship_def | The custom relationship definitions. |
Customizations | glossary_ca_attr_artifact_type_assoc | The supported artifact types for custom attribute definition. |
Customizations | glossary_custom_relationship_nodes | The source and target artifact type for custom relationship definitions. |
Customizations | glossary_custom_attr_def | The custom attribute definitions. |
Customizations | glossary_ca_enum_list | the custom attribute definitions of ENUM type. |
Customizations | governance_artifact_custom_attr_values | The custom attribute values. |
Customizations | asset_custom_properties | The custom properties group assigned to an asset type and the property under that group. |
Customizations | asset_type_custom_properties | The type of custom property and its associated custom group. |
Customizations | asset_prop_enum_list | The custom property of type . |
Customizations | asset_custom_prop_values | The the values assigned to the custom properties which are defined against the asset. |
Workflow | workflow_types | The workflow types. |
Workflow | workflow_templates | The workflow templates. |
Workflow | workflow_configurations | The workflow configurations. |
Workflow | workflows | The workflows. |
Workflow | workflow_tasks | The workflow tasks. |
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Parent topic: Setting up reporting for IBM Knowledge Catalog