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Last updated: 27. 7. 2023
Zkontrolujte příkazy Postgres, Db2 pro tabulky, které souvisejí s importy a obohacováním metadat.
Oblast předmětu | Název tabulky | Popis |
Importy a obohatí metadat | metadata_imports | Informace o Metadata import . |
Importy a obohatí metadat | provedení metadata_import_executions | Naplánovaný čas úlohy importu metadat. |
Importy a obohatí metadat | obohacování_metadat | Informace o obohacení metadat. |
tabulka metadata_imports
Tato tabulka obsahuje informace o importu metadat.
Tato tabulka má následující sloupce:
-Identifikátor pro import metadat.container_id
-Identifikátor projektu.metadata_import_name
-Název importu metadat.target_container_id
-Identifikátor cílového projektu.connection_id
-Identifikátor připojení, na kterém je vytvořen import.
create table metadata_imports(metadata_import_id varchar(128) not null, container_id varchar(128) not null, metadata_import_name varchar(256) not null, target_container_id varchar(128), connection_id varchar(128), metadata_enrichment_id varchar(128), tech_start TIMESTAMP(6) not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, tech_end TIMESTAMP(6) not null default to_timestamp('9999-12-30', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), ts_id TIMESTAMP(6) not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, primary key(container_id, metadata_import_id))
alter table metadata_imports add constraint fk_metadata_imports_container_assets_2 foreign key (container_id, metadata_import_id) references container_assets(container_id, asset_id) on delete cascade on update no action
create table metadata_imports(metadata_import_id varchar(128) not null, container_id varchar(128) not null, metadata_import_name varchar(256) not null, target_container_id varchar(128), connection_id varchar(128), metadata_enrichment_id varchar(128), tech_start TIMESTAMP(12) not null IMPLICITLY HIDDEN generated always as row begin, tech_end TIMESTAMP(12) not null IMPLICITLY HIDDEN generated always as row end, ts_id TIMESTAMP(12) not null generated always as transaction start ID, primary key(container_id, metadata_import_id), period SYSTEM_TIME (tech_start, tech_end) ) ORGANIZE by row
alter table metadata_imports add constraint fk_metadata_imports_container_assets_2 foreign key (container_id, metadata_import_id) references container_assets(container_id, asset_id) on delete cascade on update no action
tabulka metadata_import_executions
Tato tabulka obsahuje informace o úloze importu metadat.
Tato tabulka má následující sloupce:
-Identifikátor pro import metadat.container_id
-Identifikátor projektu.job_run_id
-Identifikátor spuštění úlohy.invoked_by
-ID osoby, která ji spustila.is_scheduled_run
-Naplánovaný čas úlohy pro úlohu importu metadat.start_time
-počáteční čas úlohy pro úlohu importu metadat.end_time
-Koncový čas úlohy pro úlohu importu metadat.state
-Stav úlohy importu metadat.count_discovered
-Počet aktiv, která byla zjištěna.count_discovered_with_children
-Počet aktiv s podřízenými prvky, které byly zjištěny.count_submitted
-Počet aktiv, která byla zjištěna.count_succeeded
-Počet aktiv, která byla úspěšně importována.count_succedded_with_children
-Počet aktiv s podřízenými prvky, které byly úspěšně importovány.count_new_assets
-Počet nových aktiv.count_updated_assets
-Počet aktualizovaných aktiv.count_deleted_assets
-Počet odstraněných aktiv.
create table metadata_import_executions(metadata_import_id varchar(128) not null, container_id varchar(36) not null, job_run_id varchar(128) not null, invoked_by varchar(128) not null, is_scheduled_run boolean not null, start_time timestamp(6) not null, end_time timestamp(6), state varchar(32) not null, count_discovered bigint default 0 not null, count_discovered_with_children bigint default 0 not null, count_submitted bigint default 0 not null, count_succeeded bigint default 0 not null, count_succedded_with_children bigint default 0 not null, count_new_assets bigint default 0 not null, count_updated_assets bigint default 0 not null, count_deleted_assets bigint default 0 not null, tech_start TIMESTAMP(6) not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, tech_end TIMESTAMP(6) not null default to_timestamp('9999-12-30', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), ts_id TIMESTAMP(6) not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, primary key(container_id, metadata_import_id, job_run_id))
alter table metadata_import_executions add constraint fk_metadata_import_executions_metadata_imports_3 foreign key (container_id, metadata_import_id) references metadata_imports(container_id, metadata_import_id) on delete cascade on update no action
alter table metadata_import_executions add constraint fk_metadata_import_executions_container_assets_4 foreign key (container_id, job_run_id) references container_assets(container_id, asset_id) on delete cascade on update no action
create table metadata_import_executions(metadata_import_id varchar(128) not null, container_id varchar(36) not null, job_run_id varchar(128) not null, invoked_by varchar(128) not null, is_scheduled_run boolean not null, start_time timestamp(12) not null, end_time timestamp(12), state varchar(32) not null, count_discovered bigint default 0 not null, count_discovered_with_children bigint default 0 not null, count_submitted bigint default 0 not null, count_succeeded bigint default 0 not null, count_succedded_with_children bigint default 0 not null, count_new_assets bigint default 0 not null, count_updated_assets bigint default 0 not null, count_deleted_assets bigint default 0 not null, tech_start TIMESTAMP(12) not null IMPLICITLY HIDDEN generated always as row begin, tech_end TIMESTAMP(12) not null IMPLICITLY HIDDEN generated always as row end, ts_id TIMESTAMP(12) not null generated always as transaction start ID, primary key(container_id, metadata_import_id, job_run_id), period SYSTEM_TIME (tech_start, tech_end) ) ORGANIZE by row
alter table metadata_import_executions add constraint fk_metadata_import_executions_metadata_imports_3 foreign key (container_id, metadata_import_id) references metadata_imports(container_id, metadata_import_id) on delete cascade on update no action
alter table metadata_import_executions add constraint fk_metadata_import_executions_container_assets_4 foreign key (container_id, job_run_id) references container_assets(container_id, asset_id) on delete cascade on update no action
tabulka metadata_obohacujících
Tato tabulka obsahuje informace o obohatích metadat.
Tato tabulka má následující sloupce:
-Identifikátor obohacení metadat.container_id
-Identifikátor projektu.metadata_enrichment_name
-Název obohacení metadat.
create table metadata_enrichments(metadata_enrichment_id varchar(128) not null, container_id varchar(36) not null, metadata_enrichment_name varchar(256) not null, tech_start TIMESTAMP(6) not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, tech_end TIMESTAMP(6) not null default to_timestamp('9999-12-30', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), ts_id TIMESTAMP(6) not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, primary key(container_id, metadata_enrichment_id))
alter table metadata_enrichments add constraint fk_metadata_enrichments_container_assets_1 foreign key (container_id, metadata_enrichment_id) references container_assets(container_id, asset_id) on delete cascade on update no action
create table metadata_enrichments(metadata_enrichment_id varchar(128) not null, container_id varchar(36) not null, metadata_enrichment_name varchar(256) not null, tech_start TIMESTAMP(12) not null IMPLICITLY HIDDEN generated always as row begin, tech_end TIMESTAMP(12) not null IMPLICITLY HIDDEN generated always as row end, ts_id TIMESTAMP(12) not null generated always as transaction start ID, primary key(container_id, metadata_enrichment_id), period SYSTEM_TIME (tech_start, tech_end) ) ORGANIZE by row
alter table metadata_enrichments add constraint fk_metadata_enrichments_container_assets_1 foreign key (container_id, metadata_enrichment_id) references container_assets(container_id, asset_id) on delete cascade on update no action
Další informace
Nadřízené téma: Vytváření sestav tabulky