Importing or exporting categories
You can import categories from a file that is in CSV format. You can also export categories to a file that is in CSV format. You can modify this file outside of the catalog and later import it.
Importing categories
Whether you can import a category depends on the level of the category, your user permissions, and in some cases, on your role within the parent category.
- Required permissions
You must have this user permission to import top-level categories:
- Manage governance categories
You must have one of these category roles on the parent category to import subcategories:
- Admin
- Owner
- A custom role with the permission to import categories.
When you import a category, you become its only collaborator with the owner role. Imported categories do not have the Public access group assigned by default. Modify collaborators and their category roles after the import. When you add the Public access group to an imported category, it has the Editor category role assigned by default, as opposed to the Viewer role which is assigned to this group in case of manually created categories.
To import categories, see Importing governance artifacts.
Exporting categories
Whether you can export all top-level categories (with or without their subcategories) depends on your user permissions and in some cases, on your role within the parent category.
- Required permissions
- You must have this user permission to export categories:
- Access governance artifacts
You must have one of these category roles to export categories:
- Any predefined category role.
- A custom role with the permission to export categories.
To export categories:
- Go to Governance > Categories.
- Click the export categories (
) icon.
- You can export all categories at the root level, either with or without their subcategories. To include the subcategories, select the respective option.
- Click Export.
The resulting
file is written to your default download folder. The file contains the following columns:all-category-csv-export.csv
- Name
- The name of the root category.
- Artifact Type
- The artifact type
- Category
- The name of the subcategory if you included subcategories. For nested subcategories, it's the category hierarchy path without the top-level category.
- Description
- The description of the category if specified.
- Tags
- Any tags on the category. This information is stored internally and not visible in the UI.
- Stewards
- The stewards on the category. This information is stored internally and is not visible in the UI.
- Steward Groups
- The steward groups on the category.
- Reporting Authorized
- Setting for reporting on category metadata.
Learn more
Parent topic: Categories