Making bulk changes to metadata enrichment results
After reviewing the metadata enrichment results, you might want to update the results for more than one asset or column at once. You can change term, data class, and classification assignments and accept or reject suggested display names and descriptions.
Update the following results:
- Changing term, data class, or classification assignments
- Removing suggested display names or descriptions
Changing term, data class, or classification assignments
You might want to assign specific business terms or classifications to more than one asset or column, or you might want to remove business terms or classifications from several assets or columns because they don't fit. You also might want to change the assigned data class for a set of columns or even remove data class assignments completely, for example, for all columns of a specific table.
Depending on the volume of changes, you might see a success message for the bulk operation before the changes are actually complete. You might need to refresh the view several times before you see all changes applied.
- Required permissions
- To change assignments, you must have at least the Editor role in the project, and you must have at least view access to the categories that are used in the enrichment.
You can also perform these tasks with APIs instead of the user interface. The links to these APIs are listed in the Learn more section.
Changing business term assignments for assets
To change the term assignments for a set of assets, select the assets.
To assign business terms:
- From More, select Assign business terms.
- Select the business terms you want to assign.
- Click Assign.
To remove business terms, select More > Remove business terms. With this option, you reset the term assignments for the selected assets. You clear all assigned, suggested, or removed (rejected) terms from these assets. You might want to do that in these cases:
- You already ran term assignment but the terms or the models were outdated.
- You ran term assignment with an incorrect category scope so that you now have a lot of incorrect term assignments or suggestions.
- You want to redo term assignment from scratch.
Changing business term assignments for columns
To change the term assignments for a set of columns, select the columns. You can filter columns, for example, for a specific asset or for a specific business term, and select columns from the result.
To assign business terms:
- Click Assign business terms.
- Select the business terms to assign.
- Click Assign. The business terms are added to the existing term assignments for the selected columns.
To remove business terms, select More > Remove business terms. With this option, you reset the term assignments for the selected columns. You clear all assigned, suggested, or removed (rejected) terms from these columns. You might want to do that in these cases:
- You already ran term assignment but the terms or the models were outdated.
- You ran term assignment with an incorrect category scope so that you now have a lot of incorrect term assignments or suggestions.
- You want to redo term assignment from scratch.
Changing classification assignments for assets
To change the classification assignments for a set of assets, select the assets.
To assign classifications:
- From More, select Assign classifications.
- Select the classifications you want to assign.
- Click Assign.
To remove classifications, select More > Remove classifications. All classification assignments for the selected assets are removed.
Changing classification assignments for columns
To change the classification assignments for a set of columns, select the columns. You can filter columns, for example, for a specific asset or for a specific classification, and select columns from the result.
To assign classifications:
- Click Assign classifications.
- Select the classifications to assign.
- Click Assign. The classifications are added to the existing classification assignments for the selected columns.
To remove classifications, select More > Remove classifications. All classification assignments for the selected columns are removed.
Changing data class assignments for columns
To change the data class assignments for a set of columns, select the columns. You can filter columns, for example, for a specific asset or for a specific data class, and select columns from the result.
To assign a data class:
- Click Assign data class.
- Select the data class to assign.
- Click Assign. The data class is assigned to all selected columns. Previous data class assignments are overwritten.
To remove data classes, select More > Remove data class. All data class assignments for the selected columns are removed. For each column, the data class is added to the list of suggested data classes instead. The Data class column now shows a dash (—) for the selected columns.
Removing suggested display names or descriptions
After you review the suggested display names or description, you might want to remove some of the reviewed ones in bulk.
Depending on the volume of changes, you might see a success message for the bulk operation before the changes are actually complete. You might need to refresh the view several times before you see all changes applied.
To remove multiple suggestions for display names or descriptions at once:
- Select the data assets or columns for which you want to reject the suggestions.
- Select More > Reject display name suggestions or More > Reject description suggestions.
- The suggested display names or descriptions for the selected data assets or columns are removed.
Learn more
- Reviewing enrichment results
- IBM Knowledge Catalog API: Assign terms to data assets
- IBM Knowledge Catalog API: Assign terms to the columns of a data asset
- IBM Knowledge Catalog API: Assign or remove a data class from the columns of a data asset
- IBM Knowledge Catalog API: Remove terms from the columns of a data asset
- IBM Knowledge Catalog API: Remove terms from a data asset
Next steps
Parent topic: Enriching your data assets