Signing up for the data fabric trials

Last updated: Feb 25, 2025
Signing up for the data fabric trials

Experience the integrated architecture and automation of the Cloud Pak for Data as a Service data fabric by signing up for a free trial. After you sign up for a trial and provision Cloud Pak for Data as a Service, you can quickly get up to speed on the data fabric solution by working through tutorials that demonstrate a typical business scenario.

Note: Although the sign up process requires that you provide a credit card number, you are not charged unless you upgrade your services.

The free trial has no time limit, but the services have usage limits for free plans.

Accessing the data fabric trials

First, read a description of the Use cases and the use cases that support your business. Then, access the data fabric trial that you want to try:

Signing up for data fabric trial

A IBM Cloud account is required to provision the Cloud Pak for Data as a Service services for the data fabric trials. If you are a current IBM Cloud account member, login with your IBMid. New members can obtain an IBMid by creating an IBM Cloud account.

To sign up for a data fabric trial:

  1. Click one of the following links to open the Try page for a data fabric use case:

  2. Select the Service region where your data resides or where you want to host your services. You can see the available services for the region.

  3. Review and accept the terms by clicking the checkbox.

  4. If you are a current IBM Cloud account member, choose Log in with your IBMid.

  5. For new account members, choose Create an IBM Cloud account. You need to provide the following information:

    • A valid email address and password.
    • The verification code emailed by IBM Cloud. The code expires after 30 minutes.
    • Personal information such as Name, Country, and Phone number.
    • Acceptance for both the Terms and Privacy notices.
    • Billing and Payment information. Charges are not incurred for the trial.
  6. The included services in your region are automatically provisioned for each use case that you select. Regional availability affects the provisioned services. You can manually provision other services from the Cloud Pak for Data as a Service Services catalog.

  7. You are automatically redirected to the Cloud Pak for Data as a Service home page and can start working.

Complete a data fabric tutorial

The data fabric automates common business use cases in data integration, governance, and AI. A set of tutorials for each use case provides sample projects to get you started. See Use case tutorials to choose a tutorial.

Included Cloud Pak for Data as a Service services

Many Cloud Pak for Data as a Service services are automatically provisioned when you sign up for the data fabric trial. In addition to the services, the trials include an instance of IBM Cloud Object Storage. You can manually provision other services from the Cloud Pak for Data as a Service Services catalog. When you sign up for the data fabric trial, you provision each service with a free Lite plan. The trial does not have a time limit because the Lite plans do not expire. However, the Lite plans for services include usage limits.

Data intelligence use case

The Data intelligence use case includes the services in the following table.

Service Type of provisioning Service plan information
IBM Knowledge Catalog Automatic IBM Knowledge Catalog plans
Data Product Hub Manual Data Product Hub plans
Match 360 Manual Beta
Manta Data Lineage Manual IBM Knowledge Catalog plans

Data integration use case

The Data integration use case includes the services in the following table.

Service Type of provisioning Service plan information
IBM Knowledge Catalog Automatic IBM Knowledge Catalog plans
DataStage Automatic DataStage plans
Data Virtualization Manual Data Virtualization plans
Data Replication Manual Supported connections

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Parent topic: Getting started