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Creating a project

Last updated: Dec 09, 2024
Creating a project

You create a project to work with data and other resources to achieve a particular goal, such as building a model or integrating data.

You can create an empty project, start from a sample project that provides sample data and other assets, or import a previously exported project. See Importing a project. The number of projects you can create per data center is 100. You can join an unlimited number of projects.

Your project resources can include data, collaborators, tools, assets that run code, like notebooks and models, and other types of assets.

Requirements and restrictions

Before you create a project, understand the requirements for storage, collaborator eligibility, the project name, and catalog integration. You can create projects if you have the watsonx.ai Studio, IBM Knowledge Catalog, or other services that provide tools in projects.

Storage requirement
You must associate an IBM Cloud Object Storage instance with your project to store assets. Each project has a separate bucket to hold the project's assets. If you are not an administrator for the IBM Cloud Object Storage instance, it must be configured to allow project creation. When a new project is created, the Cloud Object Storage bucket defaults to Regional resiliency. Regional buckets distribute data across several data centers that are within the same metropolitan area. If one of these data centers suffers an outage or destruction, availability and performance are not affected.
Collaborator eligibility requirements
To keep your company data secure, you can restrict who is eligible to be a collaborator to people who are internal to your organization. Select the Restrict who can be a collaborator checkbox. You can add only members of your IBM Cloud account, or, if your company has SAML federation set up in IBM Cloud, employees of your company. This setting is permanent.
Project name requirements
Your project name must follow these requirements:
  • Must be unique in the account.
  • Must contain 1 - 255 characters.
  • Can't contain these characters: % \
  • Can't contain leading or trailing underscores (_).
  • Can't contain leading or trailing spaces. Leading or trailing spaces are automatically truncated.
IBM Knowledge Catalog integration requirements
If you want to access a catalog in the project, the project has these requirements:
  • The project and the catalog must be created by members of the same IBM Cloud account, or, if your company set up SAML federation on IBM Cloud, employees of the same company.
  • If you want to add catalog assets to the project, you must select the Restrict who can be a collaborator checkbox during project creation. If you want to publish assets to a catalog, you don't need to restrict the project.

Creating a project

To create a project:

  1. Choose Projects > View all projects from the navigation menu and click New project.
  2. Choose whether to create an empty project or to create a project based on an exported project file or a sample project.
  3. If you chose to create a project from a file or a sample, upload a project file or select a sample project. See Importing a project.
  4. If you chose to create a new project, add a name on the New project screen.
  5. You can select these project configurations:
    • Restrict who can be a collaborator. You can restrict collaborators to members of your organization or integrate with a catalog. The checkbox is selected by default if you are a member of a catalog. You can't change this setting after you create the project.
    • Mark the project as sensitive. The project has a sensitive tag and project collaborators can't move data assets out of the project. You cannot change this setting after the project is created.
  6. (Optional) Enter a description
  7. (Optional) Add tags to find your projects. To add more tags, separate with commas and press Enter.
  8. Choose an existing object storage service instance or create a new one.
  9. Click Create. You can start adding resources to your project.
Note: Lineage information is available in catalogs and projects. Lineage information is only available in projects if the assets have lineage imported using Metadata import.
Video disclaimer: Some minor steps and graphical elements in this video might differ from your platform.

This video provides a visual method to learn the concepts and tasks in this documentation.

  • Video transcript
    Time Transcript
    00:00 This video shows you how to create a project.
    00:05 From the home page, you can create a project.
    00:08 Projects are a way to organize resources for a specific data science task or goal.
    00:14 A project includes data, collaborators, notebooks, models and so on.
    00:20 All to support finding insights for a well-defined and fairly narrow goal.
    00:25 For example, how weather affects sales in the company's retail shops.
    00:30 In this video, you'll see how to create an empty project, an imported project from a file, and a project based on a sample.
    00:39 First, to create an empty project, just provide a name for the project and give it a description.
    00:47 By default, the project will be restricted in who can be added as a collaborator.
    00:53 So you'll be able to invite anyone in your company or just members of your IBM Cloud account, depending on whether or not your company has SAML federation set up.
    01:04 This option also allows you to access assets from a catalog.
    01:09 If you clear this restriction, you will be able to invite anyone to collaborate on the project, but you won't be able to access catalog assets.
    01:18 This setting can't be changed later.
    01:21 If you don't already have an IBM Cloud Object Storage instance, or you want to create a new instance, you'll be able to do that from here.
    01:32 When you're ready, click "Create".
    01:34 So, here's the new project.
    01:37 You'll explore a project a little later.
    01:40 Now, let's go back to the home screen and create a project again.
    01:45 This time, select the option to create a project from a sample or file.
    01:54 Drag the file containing an exported project here.
    02:00 Provide a name and a description, then create the project.
    02:06 Now, watsonx.ai Studio (Watson Studio) is creating the project space, uploading and extracting the zipped content, and then transferring the files to the Cloud Object Storage instance associated with this project.
    02:21 When it's done, you can either view the import summary or view the new project.
    02:28 The project "Overview" tab makes it easy for you see the project details at a glance.
    02:35 Including: a list of your most recently added assets, your resources usage, the project history, and the project README.
    02:46 On the "Assets" tab, you can see at a glance the type and number of assets in the project.
    02:53 And view a particular asset type, such as your "Data" assets.
    03:00 The "Jobs" tab shows any scheduled, active, and previous jobs started from running an asset, such as a notebook or Data Refinery flow.
    03:09 From here, you can view the details of each job and manage jobs.
    03:16 On the "Manage" tab, you can edit the project name and description, see the storage used by the assets in the project, and leave or delete the project.
    03:29 The "Access Control" page lets you add and manage additional collaborators for your project.
    03:35 If you need a project access token to access files and connections using platform APIs, you can create one from here.
    03:46 On the "Environments" page, you can see the active runtimes associated with watsonx.ai Studio (Watson Studio) tools such as notebooks.
    03:56 And define templates with the hardware size and software configuration for new runtime environments.
    04:05 The "Resource usage" page provides details on your compute usage and which tools are using those resources.
    04:14 The "Services and integrations" page allows you to associate a service with this project and set up a third-party integration to Amazon EMR and GitHub.
    04:29 Now, let's go back to the home screen.
    04:32 Create a project again and select the option to create a project from a sample or file.
    04:39 This time, the project will be based on a sample.
    04:43 Hover over a sample to see a description.
    04:47 In this case, select the "Supply Chain" sample.
    04:51 The project name and description are filled in for you.
    04:55 If the project contains assets that require additional services, select a service instance from the list and click "Create".
    05:07 When it's done, view the new project.
    05:13 On the "Assets" tab, you'll see the assets included with this sample project.
    05:20 Now, you're ready to examine the sample assets and get started analyzing data.
    05:26 Find more videos in the Cloud Pak for Data as a Service documentation.

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Parent topic: Projects