Project collaborator roles and permissions

Last updated: Jun 10, 2024
Project collaborator roles and permissions

When you add a collaborator to a project, you specify which actions that the user can do by assigning a role.

These roles provide permissions for projects:

  • Viewer: View the project.
  • Editor: Control project assets.
  • Admin: Control project assets, collaborators, and settings.

The following table lists the allowed actions for each role in a project:

Project permissions
Action Viewer Editor Admin
View all information for data assets ✓ ✓ ✓
View jobs ✓ ✓ ✓
Add and read data assets ✓ ✓
View Data Refinery flows and SPSS Modeler flows ✓ ✓
View all other types of assets ✓ ✓ ✓
Create, add, modify, or delete all types of assets ✓ ✓
Promote assets to deployment spaces ✓ ✓
Run and schedule assets that run in tools and jobs ✓ ✓
Create and modify data asset visualizations ✓ ✓ ✓
Save visualizations to your project ✓ ✓
Create and modify data asset profiles ✓ ✓
Publish assets to a catalog ✓ ✓
Share notebooks ✓ ✓
Edit the project readme ✓ ✓
Use project access tokens ✓ ✓
Manage environment templates ✓ ✓
Stop your own environment runtimes ✓ ✓
Export project assets to desktop ✓ ✓
Manage project collaborators * ✓
Set up integrations ✓
Manage associated services ✓
Manage project access tokens ✓
Mark project as sensitive ✓

* To add collaborators or change collaborator roles, users with the Admin role in the project must also belong to the project creator's IBM Cloud account.

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Parent topic: Administering projects